# Opening Stock
# Fetch Opening Stock List
# 一、Description
Usage: Fetch Opening Stock List.
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/search/search |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
stSearch | String(Query) | Yes | os |
beId | long(Query) | Yes | Business Entity ID |
formatId | long(Query) | No | Lookup Query ID, If not specified, the default format is used. |
startRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
endRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
quickSearchStr | String(Query) | No | Quick search keyword |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/search/search";
String param = "&stSearch=os&beId=11";
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"stSearch": "os",
"size": 36,
"stSearchDisplay": "Opening Stock",
"values": [
"mainos.locId.loc.code": "SZO",
"tDate": "2021-12-13",
"mainos.lastModifyUid.simpleUser.desc__lang": "Ivan Tan",
"code": "ITOS21121301",
"st_code": "ITOS21121301",
"st_desc": "ITOS21121301",
"mainos.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.desc": "合格",
"iRev": 4,
"st_id": 2128,
"mainos.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.code": "PHY",
"id": 2128,
"mainos.locId.loc.desc": "深圳仓",
"lastModifyDate": "2022-01-19 17:32:22"
# Load Opening Stock
# 一、Description
Usage: Load 【Opening Stock】Record
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/os |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | os |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Opening Stock ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/os";
String param = "&menuCode=os&id=" + id;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"data": {
"ost": [
"lotnoNumAttr17": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr16": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr15": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr14": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr19": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr20": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr13": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr12": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr11": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr16": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr17": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr14": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr15": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr18": 0,
"bDesc_zh-TW": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr19": 0,
"newLotno": 0,
"lotnoLot": "A",
"id": 12584,
"dDesc_haha1": "",
"lotnoNumAttr20": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr12": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr13": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr11": 0,
"i18nField": "{\"dDesc_en\": \"<p>Ivan Testing Product(繁体)<br></p>\", \"bDesc_zh-CN\": \"Ivan Testing Product\", \"dDesc_zh-CN\": \"<p>Ivan Testing Product(简体)<br></p>\", \"dDesc_zh-TW\": \"<p>Ivan Testing Product(繁体)<br></p>\"}",
"sourceType": "pro",
"costAmt": 0,
"iRev": 1,
"bDesc_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "os",
"lot": "B",
"lotnoDateAttr3": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr4": 1257004800000,
"lotnoDateAttr1": -2245737600000,
"lotnoDateAttr2": -2561356800000,
"lotnoDateAttr7": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr8": -2209017600000,
"bDesc_ccn": "",
"lotnoDateAttr5": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr6": -2209017600000,
"unitId": 24,
"lotnoDateAttr9": -2209017600000,
"locId": 7,
"bDesc_en": "",
"lotnoTextAttr1": "",
"lotnoTextAttr2": "",
"lotnoTextAttr3": "",
"lotnoTextAttr4": "test",
"lotnoTextAttr5": "",
"lotnoTextAttr6": "",
"lotnoTextAttr7": "",
"lotnoTextAttr8": "",
"lotnoTextAttr9": "",
"bDesc_zh-CN": "Ivan Testing Product",
"sourceId": 0,
"dualQty": 0.34,
"itemNo": " 1",
"beId": 11,
"bDesc": "Ivan Testing Product",
"up": 0,
"hId": 2129,
"lotnoNumAttr1": 1,
"lotnoNumAttr2": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr3": 3,
"lotnoNumAttr4": 4,
"lotnoExpDate": 1902240000000,
"dDesc": "<p>Ivan Testing Product(简体)<br></p>",
"footerKey": " 2",
"qty": 3,
"lotnoNumAttr5": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr6": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr7": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr8": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr9": 0,
"lotNoId": 5136,
"lotnoTextAttr16": "",
"dDesc_ctw": "",
"lotnoTextAttr15": "",
"lotnoTextAttr18": "",
"lotnoTextAttr17": "",
"lotnoTextAttr12": "",
"lotnoTextAttr11": "",
"lotnoDateAttr20": -2209017600000,
"udfAmt": 0,
"lotnoTextAttr14": "",
"lotnoTextAttr13": "",
"amt": 0,
"dDesc_zh-CN": "<p>Ivan Testing Product(简体)<br></p>",
"lotnoTextAttr19": "",
"bDesc_haha1": "",
"dDesc_zh-TW": "<p>Ivan Testing Product(繁体)<br></p>",
"domAmt": 0,
"dDesc_ccn": "",
"lotnoTextAttr10": "",
"dDesc_en": "<p>Ivan Testing Product(繁体)<br></p>",
"dualUnitId": 6,
"lotnoLookupAttr5": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr6": 0,
"sourceLot": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr7": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr18": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr8": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr19": -2209017600000,
"lotno": "ITST21121302",
"lotnoLookupAttr9": 0,
"proId": 18,
"lotnoDateAttr12": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr13": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr10": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr11": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr20": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr1": 35,
"lotnoDateAttr16": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr2": 14,
"lotnoDateAttr17": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr3": 3,
"lotnoDateAttr14": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr4": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr15": -2209017600000
"mainos": [
"tDate": 1639324800000,
"lastModifyUid": 11,
"code": "ITOS21121302",
"cnDeptId": 29,
"useAccess": false,
"virDeptId": 0,
"expiredDate": -2209017600000,
"iRev": 1,
"sysJson": "",
"upOrigin": "GRN",
"viewCode": "os",
"ce01Module": "os",
"stlotId": 112,
"beId": 11,
"curId": 1,
"expired": false,
"rate": 1,
"printCount": 0,
"useAccessBl": false,
"id": 2129,
"doctypeId": 0,
"statusModifyDate": 1639370571000,
"locked": false,
"lastModifyDate": 1639370571000,
"createUid": 11,
"locId": 7,
"createDate": 1639370571000,
"rev": "2",
"lastApproveUid": 11,
"stId": 0,
"expiredUid": 0,
"useAccessWl": false,
"descOrigin": "GRN",
"iniDate": 1639324800000,
"flowTypeId": 1397,
"useAccessAutoCalc": false,
"staffId": 723,
"status": "Y"
"remos": [
"hId": 2129,
"i18nField": "{\"remarks_zh-CN\": \"\"}",
"remarks_zh-CN": "",
"remarks_ccn": "",
"remarks_en": "",
"remarks_haha1": "",
"iRev": 1,
"id": 2129,
"remarks_zh-TW": "",
"remarks": "",
"remarks_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "stlot"
"messages": [],
"status": true
# Create Opening Stock
# 一、Description
Usage: create or update 【Opening Stock】
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/os |
HTTP Method | PUT |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | os |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/os";
String param = "&menuCode=os";
HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url + "?" + param);
put.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
put.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(put);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("recordId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Entity data as JSON format:
"mainos": {
"values": [
"beId": 11,
"code": "ITOS220324A",
"tDate": "2022-03-04",
"locId": 108,
"curId": 1,
"rate": 1,
"flowTypeId": 1397,
"staffId": 723
"ost": {
"values": [
"sourceType": "pro",
"proId": 18,
"unitId": 24,
"locId": 108,
"qty": 10,
"up": 5
4、Response Sample
"recordId": 2157,
"messages": [],
"status": true
"recordId": 0,
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Required field is empty",
"msgCode": "core_101905"
"status": false
# Create Opening Stock (Auto Completion)
# 一、Description
1. Usage: Create 【Opening Stock】
2. This API has the following characteristics:
a. Support using code instead of id field
b. If field currency
has no value specified, the Entity Currency will be used automatically
c. If field staff
has no value specified, the default staff in the User Options will be used automatically
d. If field document date
has no value specified, the value is obtained according to the date option in the [Preference Setup (Trade)]
e. If field business process
has no value specified, according to the default value set in [Business Process Setup (Trade)]
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/os |
HTTP Method | POST |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/os";
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
post.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
post.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(post);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("tranId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Sample data
"beCode": "IT",
"ost": [
"proCode": "ITPRO001",
"unitCode": "个",
"locCode": "SZO",
"qty": 1,
"up": 10
4、Response Sample
"tranId": 2158,
"tranCode": "OS0220269",
"message": "",
"status": true
# Delete Opening Stock
# 一、Description
Usage: Delete Opening Stock
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/os |
HTTP Method | DELETE |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | os |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Opening Stock ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/os";
String param = "&menuCode=os&id=" + id;
HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(url + "?" + param);
delete.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
delete.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(delete);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"messages": [],
"status": true
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Record has been deleted",
"msgCode": "core_101017"
"status": false
# Stock Adjustment
# Fetch Stock Adjustment List
# 一、Description
Usage: Fetch Stock Adjustment List.
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/search/search |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
stSearch | String(Query) | Yes | k |
beId | long(Query) | Yes | Business Entity ID |
formatId | long(Query) | No | Lookup Query ID, If not specified, the default format is used. |
startRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
endRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
quickSearchStr | String(Query) | No | Quick search keyword |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/search/search";
String param = "&stSearch=k&beId=11";
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"stSearch": "k",
"size": 11,
"stSearchDisplay": "Stock Adjustment",
"values": [
"tDate": "2022-01-01",
"maink.locId.loc.desc": "深圳仓",
"code": "ITK20220101A",
"st_code": "ITK20220101A",
"maink.locId.loc.code": "SZO",
"maink.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.desc": "合格",
"st_desc": "ITK20220101A",
"iRev": 1,
"maink.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.code": "PHY",
"maink.lastModifyUid.simpleUser.desc__lang": "Ivan Tan",
"st_id": 178,
"id": 178,
"lastModifyDate": "2022-01-07 12:49:33"
# Load Stock Adjustment
# 一、Description
Usage: Load 【Stock Adjustment】Record
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/k |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | k |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Stock Adjustment ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/k";
String param = "&menuCode=k&id=" + id;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"data": {
"remk": [
"hId": 178,
"i18nField": "{\"remarks_zh-CN\": \"\"}",
"remarks_zh-CN": "",
"remarks_ccn": "",
"remarks_en": "",
"remarks_haha1": "",
"iRev": 1,
"id": 178,
"remarks_zh-TW": "",
"remarks": "",
"remarks_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "st"
"kt": [
"lotnoNumAttr17": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr16": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr15": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr14": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr19": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr20": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr13": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr12": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr11": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr16": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr17": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr14": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr15": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr18": 0,
"bDesc_zh-TW": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr19": 0,
"newLotno": 0,
"lotnoLot": "A",
"id": 394,
"dDesc_haha1": "",
"sourceItemNo": "",
"lotnoNumAttr20": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr12": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr13": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr11": 0,
"i18nField": "{\"bDesc_zh-CN\": \"auto assign\", \"dDesc_zh-CN\": \"\"}",
"sourceType": "pro",
"costAmt": 0,
"iRev": 1,
"bDesc_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "k",
"lot": "A",
"lotnoDateAttr3": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr4": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr1": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr2": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr7": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr8": -2209017600000,
"bDesc_ccn": "",
"lotnoDateAttr5": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr6": -2209017600000,
"unitId": 76,
"lotnoDateAttr9": -2209017600000,
"locId": 7,
"bDesc_en": "",
"lotnoTextAttr1": "",
"lotnoTextAttr2": "",
"lotnoTextAttr3": "",
"lotnoTextAttr4": "",
"lotnoTextAttr5": "",
"lotnoTextAttr6": "",
"lotnoTextAttr7": "",
"lotnoTextAttr8": "",
"lotnoTextAttr9": "",
"bDesc_zh-CN": "auto assign",
"sourceId": 0,
"dualQty": 87,
"itemNo": " 1",
"beId": 11,
"bDesc": "auto assign",
"up": 0,
"hId": 178,
"lotnoNumAttr1": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr2": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr3": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr4": 0,
"lotnoExpDate": 253402271999000,
"dDesc": "",
"footerKey": " 1",
"qty": -93,
"lotnoNumAttr5": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr6": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr7": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr8": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr9": 0,
"lotNoId": 2281,
"lotnoTextAttr16": "",
"dDesc_ctw": "",
"lotnoTextAttr15": "",
"lotnoTextAttr18": "",
"lotnoTextAttr17": "",
"lotnoTextAttr12": "",
"lotnoTextAttr11": "",
"lotnoDateAttr20": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr14": "",
"lotnoTextAttr13": "",
"amt": 0,
"dDesc_zh-CN": "",
"lotnoTextAttr19": "",
"bDesc_haha1": "",
"dDesc_zh-TW": "",
"domAmt": 0,
"dDesc_ccn": "",
"lotnoTextAttr10": "",
"dDesc_en": "",
"dualUnitId": 51,
"lotnoLookupAttr5": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr6": 0,
"sourceLot": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr7": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr18": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr8": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr19": -2209017600000,
"lotno": "ITOS18110001",
"lotnoLookupAttr9": 0,
"proId": 62,
"lotnoDateAttr12": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr13": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr10": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr11": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr20": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr1": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr16": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr2": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr17": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr3": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr14": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr4": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr15": -2209017600000
"maink": [
"tDate": 1640966400000,
"lastModifyUid": 11,
"code": "ITK20220101A",
"cnDeptId": 29,
"useAccess": false,
"virDeptId": 0,
"expiredDate": -2209017600000,
"iRev": 1,
"sysJson": "",
"upOrigin": "GRN",
"viewCode": "k",
"ce01Module": "k",
"stlotId": 0,
"beId": 11,
"curId": 1,
"expired": false,
"rate": 1,
"printCount": 0,
"useAccessBl": false,
"id": 178,
"doctypeId": 0,
"statusModifyDate": 1641530973000,
"locked": false,
"lastModifyDate": 1641530973000,
"createUid": 11,
"locId": 7,
"createDate": 1641530973000,
"moveToId": 0,
"rev": "2",
"lastApproveUid": 11,
"stId": 44,
"expiredUid": 0,
"useAccessWl": false,
"descOrigin": "GRN",
"moveFoId": 0,
"flowTypeId": 1397,
"useAccessAutoCalc": false,
"staffId": 723,
"status": "N"
"messages": [],
"status": true
# Create Stock Adjustment
# 一、Description
Usage: create or update 【Stock Adjustment】
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/k |
HTTP Method | PUT |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | k |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/k";
String param = "&menuCode=k";
HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url + "?" + param);
put.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
put.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(put);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("recordId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Entity data as JSON format:
"maink": {
"values": [
"beId": 11,
"code": "ITK220324A",
"tDate": "2022-03-24",
"curId": 1,
"rate": 1,
"flowTypeId": 1397,
"staffId": 723
"kt": {
"values": [
"sourceType": "pro",
"proId": 18,
"unitId": 24,
"qty": -1,
"locId": 7,
"newLotno": 0
4、Response Sample
"recordId": 184,
"messages": [],
"status": true
"recordId": 0,
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Required field is empty",
"msgCode": "core_101905"
"status": false
# Create Stock Adjustment (Auto Completion)
# 一、Description
1. Usage: Create 【Stock Adjustment】
2. This API has the following characteristics:
a. Support using code instead of id field
b. If field currency
has no value specified, the Entity Currency will be used automatically
c. If field staff
has no value specified, the default staff in the User Options will be used automatically
d. If field document date
has no value specified, the value is obtained according to the date option in the [Preference Setup (Trade)]
e. If field business process
has no value specified, according to the default value set in [Business Process Setup (Trade)]
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/k |
HTTP Method | POST |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/k";
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
post.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
post.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(post);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("tranId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Sample data
"beCode": "IT",
"kt": [
"proCode": "ITPRO001",
"unitCode": "个",
"qty": -1,
"locCode": "SZO",
"newLotno": 0
4、Response Sample
"tranId": 185,
"tranCode": "K00220053",
"message": "",
"status": true
# Delete Stock Adjustment
# 一、Description
Usage: Delete Stock Adjustment
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/k |
HTTP Method | DELETE |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | k |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Stock Adjustment ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/k";
String param = "&menuCode=k&id=" + id;
HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(url + "?" + param);
delete.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
delete.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(delete);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"messages": [],
"status": true
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Record has been deleted",
"msgCode": "core_101017"
"status": false
# Internal Transfer
# Fetch Internal Transfer List
# 一、Description
Usage: Fetch Internal Transfer List.
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/search/search |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
stSearch | String(Query) | Yes | move |
beId | long(Query) | Yes | Business Entity ID |
formatId | long(Query) | No | Lookup Query ID, If not specified, the default format is used. |
startRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
endRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
quickSearchStr | String(Query) | No | Quick search keyword |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/search/search";
String param = "&stSearch=move&beId=11";
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"stSearch": "move",
"size": 7,
"stSearchDisplay": "Internal Transfer",
"values": [
"mainmove.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.code": "PHY",
"tDate": "2021-09-27",
"mainmove.lastModifyUid.simpleUser.desc__lang": "Ivan Tan",
"code": "MOV210052",
"st_code": "MOV210052",
"st_desc": "MOV210052",
"iRev": 4,
"mainmove.locId.loc.code": "SZO",
"st_id": 90,
"mainmove.locId.loc.desc": "深圳仓",
"id": 90,
"mainmove.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.desc": "合格",
"lastModifyDate": "2021-09-27 10:15:22"
# Load Internal Transfer
# 一、Description
Usage: Load 【Internal Transfer】Record
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/move |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | move |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Internal Transfer ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/move";
String param = "&menuCode=move&id=" + id;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"data": {
"mainmove": [
"tDate": 1632672000000,
"lastModifyUid": 11,
"code": "MOV210052",
"cnDeptId": 29,
"useAccess": false,
"virDeptId": 0,
"expiredDate": -2209017600000,
"iRev": 4,
"sysJson": "{\"autoGenCode\":{\"snId\":453,\"sn\":\"52\"}}",
"upOrigin": "",
"viewCode": "move",
"poscoreShopTranNoteId": 0,
"ce01Module": "move",
"beId": 11,
"kStatus": "transit",
"alocId": 122,
"expired": false,
"printCount": 0,
"useAccessBl": false,
"id": 90,
"doctypeId": 0,
"statusModifyDate": 1632708485000,
"locked": false,
"lastModifyDate": 1632708922000,
"createUid": 11,
"locId": 7,
"createDate": 1632708485000,
"rev": "4",
"lastApproveUid": 0,
"expiredUid": 0,
"useAccessWl": false,
"descOrigin": "PI",
"flowTypeId": 1397,
"kDate": 1632672000000,
"deliveryRequire": false,
"useAccessAutoCalc": false,
"staffId": 723,
"status": "N"
"movet": [
"sourceId": 0,
"dDesc_ctw": "",
"dualQty": 1,
"costAmt": 0,
"iRev": 4,
"itemNo": " 1",
"dDesc_zh-CN": "<p>Ivan Testing Product(繁体)<br></p>",
"bDesc_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "move",
"beId": 11,
"lot": "A",
"alocId": 128,
"bDesc_haha1": "",
"dDesc_zh-TW": "",
"bDesc": "Ivan Testing Product",
"bDesc_ccn": "",
"bDesc_zh-TW": "",
"newLotno": 0,
"unitId": 38757,
"dDesc_ccn": "",
"id": 132,
"locId": 7,
"dDesc_haha1": "",
"hId": 90,
"bDesc_en": "",
"dDesc_en": "",
"dualUnitId": 6,
"sourceLot": "",
"dDesc": "<p>Ivan Testing Product(繁体)<br></p>",
"footerKey": " 1",
"i18nField": "{\"bDesc_zh-CN\": \"Ivan Testing Product\", \"dDesc_zh-CN\": \"<p>Ivan Testing Product(繁体)<br></p>\"}",
"sourceType": "pro",
"proId": 18,
"qty": 1,
"deliveryRequire": false,
"lotNoId": 0,
"bDesc_zh-CN": "Ivan Testing Product"
"remmove": [
"hId": 90,
"i18nField": "{}",
"remarks_zh-CN": "",
"remarks_ccn": "",
"remarks_en": "",
"remarks_haha1": "",
"iRev": 4,
"id": 78,
"remarks_zh-TW": "",
"remarks": "",
"remarks_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "move"
"movetlot": [
"lotnoNumAttr17": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr16": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr15": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr14": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr19": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr20": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr13": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr12": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr11": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr16": 0,
"alocId": 128,
"lotnoLookupAttr17": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr14": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr15": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr19": 0,
"newLotno": 0,
"lotnoLot": "A",
"id": 19,
"lotnoNumAttr20": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr12": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr13": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr11": 0,
"iRev": 4,
"ce01Module": "move",
"lotnoDateAttr3": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr4": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr1": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr2": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr7": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr8": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr5": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr6": -2209017600000,
"unitId": 38757,
"lotnoDateAttr9": -2209017600000,
"locId": 7,
"lotnoTextAttr1": "",
"lotnoTextAttr2": "",
"lotnoTextAttr3": "",
"lotnoTextAttr4": "",
"lotnoTextAttr5": "",
"lotnoTextAttr6": "",
"lotnoTextAttr7": "",
"lotnoTextAttr8": "",
"lotnoTextAttr9": "",
"dualQty": 1,
"itemNo": " 1",
"hId": 90,
"lotnoNumAttr1": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr2": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr3": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr4": 0,
"lotnoExpDate": 253402271999000,
"footerKey": " 1",
"qty": 1,
"lotnoNumAttr5": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr6": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr7": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr8": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr9": 0,
"lotNoId": 642,
"lotnoTextAttr16": "",
"lotnoTextAttr15": "",
"lotnoTextAttr18": "",
"lotnoTextAttr17": "",
"lotnoTextAttr12": "",
"lotnoTextAttr11": "",
"lotnoDateAttr20": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr14": "",
"lotnoTextAttr13": "",
"lotnoTextAttr19": "",
"lotnoTextAttr10": "",
"dualUnitId": 6,
"lotnoLookupAttr5": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr6": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr7": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr18": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr8": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr19": -2209017600000,
"lotno": "ITGRN17020001A",
"lotnoLookupAttr9": 0,
"proId": 18,
"lotnoDateAttr12": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr13": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr10": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr11": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr20": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr1": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr16": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr2": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr17": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr3": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr14": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr4": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr15": -2209017600000
"messages": [],
"status": true
# Create Internal Transfer
# 一、Description
Usage: create or update 【Internal Transfer】
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/move |
HTTP Method | PUT |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | move |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/move";
String param = "&menuCode=move";
HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url + "?" + param);
put.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
put.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(put);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("recordId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Entity data as JSON format:
"mainmove": {
"values": [
"beId": 11,
"code": "ITMOVE220324A",
"tDate": "2022-03-24",
"locId": 7,
"alocId": 122,
"flowTypeId": 1397,
"staffId": 723
"movet": {
"values": [
"sourceType": "pro",
"proId": 18,
"unitId": 24,
"qty": 1,
"locId": 7,
"alocId": 122
4、Response Sample
"recordId": 91,
"messages": [],
"status": true
"recordId": 0,
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Required field is empty",
"msgCode": "core_101905"
"status": false
# Create Internal Transfer (Auto Completion)
# 一、Description
1. Usage: Create 【Internal Transfer】
2. This API has the following characteristics:
a. Support using code instead of id field
b. If field staff
has no value specified, the default staff in the User Options will be used automatically
c. If field document date
has no value specified, the value is obtained according to the date option in the [Preference Setup (Trade)]
d. If field business process
has no value specified, according to the default value set in [Business Process Setup (Trade)]
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/move |
HTTP Method | POST |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/move";
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
post.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
post.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(post);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("tranId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Sample data
"beCode": "IT",
"movet": [
"proCode": "ITPRO001",
"unitCode": "个",
"qty": 1,
"locCode": "SZO",
"alocCode": "961"
4、Response Sample
"tranId": 92,
"tranCode": "MOV220053",
"message": "",
"status": true
# Delete Internal Transfer
# 一、Description
Usage: Delete Internal Transfer
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/move |
HTTP Method | DELETE |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | move |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Internal Transfer ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/move";
String param = "&menuCode=move&id=" + id;
HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(url + "?" + param);
delete.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
delete.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(delete);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"messages": [],
"status": true
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Record has been deleted",
"msgCode": "core_101017"
"status": false
# Defective Stock Register
# Fetch Defective Stock Register List
# 一、Description
Usage: Fetch Defective Stock Register List.
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/search/search |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
stSearch | String(Query) | Yes | defstkreg |
beId | long(Query) | Yes | Business Entity ID |
formatId | long(Query) | No | Lookup Query ID, If not specified, the default format is used. |
startRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
endRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
quickSearchStr | String(Query) | No | Quick search keyword |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/search/search";
String param = "&stSearch=defstkreg&beId=11";
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"stSearch": "defstkreg",
"size": 5,
"stSearchDisplay": "Defective Stock Register",
"values": [
"code": "ITDSR001",
"tDate": "2018-01-10",
"maindefstkreg.flowTypeId.flowtype.code": "EXSTK-QC",
"maindefstkreg.flowTypeId.flowtype.desc": "EXSTK -> QC",
"iRev": 7,
"lastModifyDate": "2018-01-12 12:52:53",
"maindefstkreg.lastModifyUid.simpleUser.desc__lang": "Ivan Tan",
"id": 2,
"st_desc": "ITDSR001",
"st_id": 2,
"st_code": "ITDSR001"
# Load Defective Stock Register
# 一、Description
Usage: Load 【Defective Stock Register】Record
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/defstkreg |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | defstkreg |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Defective Stock Register ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/defstkreg";
String param = "&menuCode=defstkreg&id=" + id;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"data": {
"maindefstkreg": [
"tDate": 1515513600000,
"lastModifyUid": 11,
"code": "ITDSR001",
"cnDeptId": 29,
"useAccess": false,
"virDeptId": 0,
"expiredDate": -2209017600000,
"iRev": 7,
"sysJson": "",
"upOrigin": "",
"viewCode": "defstkreg",
"ce01Module": "defstkreg",
"beId": 11,
"alocId": 2,
"expired": false,
"printCount": 0,
"useAccessBl": false,
"id": 2,
"doctypeId": 0,
"statusModifyDate": 1515570951000,
"locked": false,
"lastModifyDate": 1515732773000,
"createUid": 11,
"locId": 15,
"createDate": 1515570951000,
"rev": "5",
"lastApproveUid": 0,
"expiredUid": 0,
"useAccessWl": false,
"descOrigin": "",
"flowTypeId": 15459,
"useAccessAutoCalc": false,
"staffId": 723,
"status": "Y"
"defstkregt": [
"lotnoNumAttr17": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr16": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr15": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr14": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr19": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr20": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr13": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr12": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr11": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr16": 0,
"alocId": 2,
"lotnoLookupAttr17": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr14": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr15": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr18": 0,
"bDesc_zh-TW": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr19": 0,
"newLotno": 0,
"lotnoLot": "A",
"id": 2,
"dDesc_haha1": "",
"lotnoNumAttr20": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr12": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr13": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr11": 0,
"i18nField": "{\"bDesc_en\": \"Ivan Testing Product\", \"dDesc_en\": \"\"}",
"sourceType": "qc",
"costAmt": 0,
"iRev": 5,
"bDesc_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "defstkreg",
"lot": "A",
"lotnoDateAttr3": 1475164800000,
"lotnoDateAttr4": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr1": 1474300800000,
"lotnoDateAttr2": 1475078400000,
"lotnoDateAttr7": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr8": -2209017600000,
"bDesc_ccn": "",
"lotnoDateAttr5": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr6": -2209017600000,
"unitId": 38757,
"lotnoDateAttr9": -2209017600000,
"locId": 7,
"bDesc_en": "Ivan Testing Product",
"lotnoTextAttr1": "INC",
"lotnoTextAttr2": "TT",
"lotnoTextAttr3": "BB",
"lotnoTextAttr4": "",
"lotnoTextAttr5": "",
"lotnoTextAttr6": "",
"lotnoTextAttr7": "",
"lotnoTextAttr8": "",
"lotnoTextAttr9": "",
"bDesc_zh-CN": "",
"sourceId": 3,
"dualQty": 0,
"itemNo": " 1",
"beId": 11,
"bDesc": "Ivan Testing Product",
"hId": 2,
"lotnoNumAttr1": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr2": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr3": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr4": 0,
"lotnoExpDate": 1546185600000,
"dDesc": "",
"footerKey": "",
"qty": 0.1,
"lotnoNumAttr5": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr6": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr7": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr8": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr9": 0,
"lotNoId": 282,
"lotnoTextAttr16": "",
"dDesc_ctw": "",
"lotnoTextAttr15": "",
"lotnoTextAttr18": "",
"lotnoTextAttr17": "",
"lotnoTextAttr12": "",
"lotnoTextAttr11": "",
"lotnoDateAttr20": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr14": "",
"lotnoTextAttr13": "",
"dDesc_zh-CN": "",
"lotnoTextAttr19": "",
"bDesc_haha1": "",
"dDesc_zh-TW": "",
"dDesc_ccn": "",
"lotnoTextAttr10": "",
"dDesc_en": "",
"dualUnitId": 6,
"lotnoLookupAttr5": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr6": 0,
"sourceLot": "01",
"lotnoLookupAttr7": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr18": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr8": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr19": -2209017600000,
"lotno": "OS0160040-01INC20160930",
"lotnoLookupAttr9": 0,
"proId": 18,
"lotnoDateAttr12": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr13": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr10": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr11": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr20": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr1": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr16": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr2": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr17": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr3": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr14": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr4": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr15": -2209017600000
"remdefstkreg": [
"hId": 2,
"i18nField": "",
"remarks_zh-CN": "",
"remarks_ccn": "",
"remarks_en": "",
"remarks_haha1": "",
"iRev": 7,
"id": 6,
"remarks_zh-TW": "",
"remarks": "",
"remarks_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "defstkreg"
"messages": [],
"status": true
# Create Defective Stock Register
# 一、Description
Usage: create or update 【Defective Stock Register】
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/defstkreg |
HTTP Method | PUT |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | defstkreg |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/defstkreg";
String param = "&menuCode=defstkreg";
HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url + "?" + param);
put.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
put.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(put);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("recordId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Entity data as JSON format:
"maindefstkreg": {
"values": [
"beId": 11,
"code": "ITDSR220325A",
"tDate": "2022-03-25",
"flowTypeId": 1397,
"staffId": 723
"defstkregt": {
"values": [
"sourceType": "pro",
"proId": 18,
"locId": 7,
"alocId": 2,
"unitId": 24,
"qty": 1
4、Response Sample
"recordId": 15,
"messages": [],
"status": true
"recordId": 0,
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Required field is empty",
"msgCode": "core_101905"
"status": false
# Create Defective Stock Register (Auto Completion)
# 一、Description
1. Usage: Create 【Defective Stock Register】
2. This API has the following characteristics:
a. Support using code instead of id field
b. If field staff
has no value specified, the default staff in the User Options will be used automatically
c. If field document date
has no value specified, the value is obtained according to the date option in the [Preference Setup (Trade)]
d. If field business process
has no value specified, according to the default value set in [Business Process Setup (Trade)]
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/defstkreg |
HTTP Method | POST |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/defstkreg";
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
post.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
post.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(post);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("tranId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Sample data
"beCode": "IT",
"defstkregt": [
"proCode": "ITPRO001",
"unitCode": "个",
"qty": 1,
"locCode": "SZO",
"alocCode": "BAD"
4、Response Sample
"tranId": 16,
"tranCode": "DEF220001",
"message": "",
"status": true
# Delete Defective Stock Register
# 一、Description
Usage: Delete Defective Stock Register
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/defstkreg |
HTTP Method | DELETE |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | defstkreg |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Defective Stock Register ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/defstkreg";
String param = "&menuCode=defstkreg&id=" + id;
HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(url + "?" + param);
delete.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
delete.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(delete);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"messages": [],
"status": true
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Record has been deleted",
"msgCode": "core_101017"
"status": false
# Load EBI data:Defective Stock Register Report
# 一、Description
Usage: Run EBI[Defective Stock Register Report],return EBI data
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/ebiWidget/loadReport |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
formatId | long(Query) | Yes | Format ID fetched from another API |
beId | long(Query) | No | Business Entity ID,If not specified, query all authorized Business Entity data. |
offset | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
rows | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/ebiWidget/loadReport";
String param = "&formatId=" + formatId;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"size": 8,
"rows": [
"FTABLE_A_locId_code": "SZO",
"MAIN_outQty": "0.00000000",
"MAIN_ruQty": "0.00000000",
"FTABLE_A_bDesc": "Ivan Testing Product",
"M18ReservedCol_dataIndex": 1,
"FTABLE_A_proId": "18",
"FTABLE_A_unitId_code": "0.3兩",
"FTABLE_A_qty": "0.10000000",
"MTABLE_A_tDate": "2018.01.10",
"MTABLE_A_code": "ITDSR001",
"MTABLE_A_id": "2",
"FTABLE_A_alocId_code": "BAD",
"MAIN_dstnQty": "0.10000000",
"FTABLE_A_alocId": "2",
"FTABLE_A_locId": "7",
"FTABLE_A_proId_code": "ITPRO001"
# Defect Stock Write Off
# Fetch Defect Stock Write Off List
# 一、Description
Usage: Fetch Defect Stock Write Off List.
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/search/search |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
stSearch | String(Query) | Yes | dstn |
beId | long(Query) | Yes | Business Entity ID |
formatId | long(Query) | No | Lookup Query ID, If not specified, the default format is used. |
startRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
endRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
quickSearchStr | String(Query) | No | Quick search keyword |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/search/search";
String param = "&stSearch=dstn&beId=11";
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"stSearch": "dstn",
"size": 3,
"stSearchDisplay": "Defective Stock Write Off",
"values": [
"code": "ITDSTN001",
"tDate": "2018-01-11",
"maindstn.flowTypeId.flowtype.code": "EXSTK-QC",
"maindstn.flowTypeId.flowtype.desc": "EXSTK -> QC",
"iRev": 3,
"lastModifyDate": "2020-11-10 12:30:36",
"maindstn.lastModifyUid.simpleUser.desc__lang": "Ivan Tan",
"id": 1,
"st_desc": "ITDSTN001",
"st_id": 1,
"st_code": "ITDSTN001"
# Load Defect Stock Write Off
# 一、Description
Usage: Load 【Defect Stock Write Off】Record
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/dstn |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | dstn |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Defect Stock Write Off ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/dstn";
String param = "&menuCode=dstn&id=" + id;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"data": {
"maindstn": [
"tDate": 1515600000000,
"lastModifyUid": 11,
"code": "ITDSTN001",
"cnDeptId": 29,
"useAccess": false,
"virDeptId": 0,
"expiredDate": -2209017600000,
"iRev": 3,
"sysJson": "",
"upOrigin": "PRO",
"viewCode": "dstn",
"ce01Module": "dstn",
"beId": 11,
"expired": false,
"printCount": 0,
"useAccessBl": false,
"id": 1,
"doctypeId": 0,
"statusModifyDate": 1515662355000,
"locked": false,
"lastModifyDate": 1604982636000,
"createUid": 11,
"locId": 2,
"createDate": 1515662355000,
"rev": "3",
"lastApproveUid": 0,
"expiredUid": 0,
"useAccessWl": false,
"descOrigin": "PRO",
"flowTypeId": 15459,
"useAccessAutoCalc": false,
"staffId": 723,
"status": "Y"
"dstnt": [
"lotnoNumAttr17": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr16": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr15": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr14": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr19": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr20": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr13": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr12": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr11": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr16": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr17": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr14": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr15": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr18": 0,
"bDesc_zh-TW": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr19": 0,
"newLotno": 0,
"lotnoLot": "A",
"id": 1,
"dDesc_haha1": "",
"lotnoNumAttr20": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr12": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr13": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr11": 0,
"i18nField": "{\"bDesc_en\": \"Ivan Testing Product\", \"dDesc_en\": \"\"}",
"sourceType": "defstkreg",
"costAmt": 0,
"iRev": 3,
"bDesc_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "dstn",
"lot": "A",
"lotnoDateAttr3": 1475164800000,
"lotnoDateAttr4": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr1": 1474300800000,
"lotnoDateAttr2": 1475078400000,
"lotnoDateAttr7": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr8": -2209017600000,
"bDesc_ccn": "",
"lotnoDateAttr5": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr6": -2209017600000,
"unitId": 38757,
"lotnoDateAttr9": -2209017600000,
"locId": 2,
"bDesc_en": "Ivan Testing Product",
"lotnoTextAttr1": "INC",
"lotnoTextAttr2": "TT",
"lotnoTextAttr3": "BB",
"lotnoTextAttr4": "",
"lotnoTextAttr5": "",
"lotnoTextAttr6": "",
"lotnoTextAttr7": "",
"lotnoTextAttr8": "",
"lotnoTextAttr9": "",
"bDesc_zh-CN": "",
"sourceId": 2,
"dualQty": 0,
"itemNo": " 1",
"beId": 11,
"bDesc": "Ivan Testing Product",
"hId": 1,
"lotnoNumAttr1": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr2": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr3": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr4": 0,
"lotnoExpDate": 1546185600000,
"dDesc": "",
"footerKey": "",
"qty": 0.1,
"lotnoNumAttr5": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr6": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr7": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr8": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr9": 0,
"lotNoId": 282,
"lotnoTextAttr16": "",
"dDesc_ctw": "",
"lotnoTextAttr15": "",
"lotnoTextAttr18": "",
"lotnoTextAttr17": "",
"lotnoTextAttr12": "",
"lotnoTextAttr11": "",
"lotnoDateAttr20": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr14": "",
"lotnoTextAttr13": "",
"dDesc_zh-CN": "",
"lotnoTextAttr19": "",
"bDesc_haha1": "",
"dDesc_zh-TW": "",
"dDesc_ccn": "",
"lotnoTextAttr10": "",
"dDesc_en": "",
"dualUnitId": 6,
"lotnoLookupAttr5": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr6": 0,
"sourceLot": "A",
"lotnoLookupAttr7": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr18": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr8": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr19": -2209017600000,
"lotno": "OS0160040-01INC20160930",
"lotnoLookupAttr9": 0,
"proId": 18,
"lotnoDateAttr12": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr13": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr10": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr11": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr20": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr1": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr16": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr2": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr17": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr3": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr14": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr4": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr15": -2209017600000
"remdstn": [
"hId": 1,
"i18nField": "{\"remarks_en\": \"<p>test la</p>\"}",
"remarks_zh-CN": "",
"remarks_ccn": "",
"remarks_en": "<p>test la</p>",
"remarks_haha1": "",
"iRev": 3,
"id": 7,
"remarks_zh-TW": "",
"remarks": "<p>test la</p>",
"remarks_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "dstn"
"messages": [],
"status": true
# Create Defect Stock Write Off
# 一、Description
Usage: create or update 【Defect Stock Write Off】
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/dstn |
HTTP Method | PUT |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | dstn |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/dstn";
String param = "&menuCode=dstn";
HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url + "?" + param);
put.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
put.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(put);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("recordId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Entity data as JSON format:
"maindstn": {
"values": [
"beId": 11,
"code": "ITDSTN220325A",
"tDate": "2022-03-25",
"flowTypeId": 1397,
"staffId": 723
"dstnt": {
"values": [
"sourceType": "pro",
"proId": 18,
"locId": 2,
"unitId": 24,
"qty": 1
4、Response Sample
"recordId": 10,
"messages": [],
"status": true
"recordId": 0,
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Required field is empty",
"msgCode": "core_101905"
"status": false
# Create Defect Stock Write Off (Auto Completion)
# 一、Description
1. Usage: Create 【Defect Stock Write Off】
2. This API has the following characteristics:
a. Support using code instead of id field
b. If field staff
has no value specified, the default staff in the User Options will be used automatically
c. If field document date
has no value specified, the value is obtained according to the date option in the [Preference Setup (Trade)]
d. If field business process
has no value specified, according to the default value set in [Business Process Setup (Trade)]
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/dstn |
HTTP Method | POST |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/dstn";
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
post.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
post.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(post);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("tranId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Sample data
"beCode": "IT",
"dstnt": [
"proCode": "ITPRO001",
"unitCode": "个",
"locCode": "BAD",
"qty": 1
4、Response Sample
"tranId": 11,
"tranCode": "DST220001",
"message": "",
"status": true
# Delete Defect Stock Write Off
# 一、Description
Usage: Delete Defect Stock Write Off
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/dstn |
HTTP Method | DELETE |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | dstn |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Defect Stock Write Off ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/dstn";
String param = "&menuCode=dstn&id=" + id;
HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(url + "?" + param);
delete.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
delete.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(delete);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"messages": [],
"status": true
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Record has been deleted",
"msgCode": "core_101017"
"status": false
# Load EBI data:Defect Stock Write Off Report
# 一、Description
Usage: Run EBI[Defect Stock Write Off Report],return EBI data
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/ebiWidget/loadReport |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
formatId | long(Query) | Yes | Format ID fetched from another API |
beId | long(Query) | No | Business Entity ID,If not specified, query all authorized Business Entity data. |
offset | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
rows | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/ebiWidget/loadReport";
String param = "&formatId=" + formatId;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"size": 5,
"rows": [
"FTABLE_A_locId_code": "BAD",
"M18ReservedCol_dataIndex": 1,
"FTABLE_A_proId": "18",
"FTABLE_A_unitId_code": "0.3兩",
"MAIN_sourceId": "2",
"MAIN_sourceCode": "ITDSR001",
"FTABLE_A_qty": "0.10000000",
"MTABLE_A_tDate": "2018.01.11",
"LOTNO_A_lotno": "OS0160040-01INC20160930",
"MAIN_sourceType": "defstkreg",
"MTABLE_A_code": "ITDSTN001",
"MTABLE_A_id": "1",
"MAIN_lotQty": "0.10000000",
"FTABLE_A_sourceType": "Defective Stock Register",
"FTABLE_A_locId": "2",
"FTABLE_A_proId_code": "ITPRO001"
# Defect Stock Recover
# Fetch Defect Stock Recover List
# 一、Description
Usage: Fetch Defect Stock Recover List.
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/search/search |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
stSearch | String(Query) | Yes | ru |
beId | long(Query) | Yes | Business Entity ID |
formatId | long(Query) | No | Lookup Query ID, If not specified, the default format is used. |
startRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
endRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
quickSearchStr | String(Query) | No | Quick search keyword |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/search/search";
String param = "&stSearch=ru&beId=11";
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"stSearch": "ru",
"size": 2,
"stSearchDisplay": "Defective Stock Recover",
"values": [
"code": "ITRU001",
"tDate": "2018-01-12",
"mainru.flowTypeId.flowtype.code": "QC-ALL",
"mainru.flowTypeId.flowtype.desc": "QC-ALL",
"iRev": 5,
"lastModifyDate": "2019-01-14 15:48:28",
"mainru.lastModifyUid.simpleUser.desc__lang": "Ivan Tan",
"id": 1,
"st_desc": "ITRU001",
"st_id": 1,
"st_code": "ITRU001"
# Load Defect Stock Recover
# 一、Description
Usage: Load 【Defect Stock Recover】Record
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/ru |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | ru |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Defect Stock Recover ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/ru";
String param = "&menuCode=ru&id=" + id;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"data": {
"rut": [
"lotnoNumAttr17": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr16": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr15": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr14": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr19": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr20": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr13": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr12": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr11": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr16": 0,
"alocId": 7,
"lotnoLookupAttr17": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr14": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr15": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr18": 0,
"bDesc_zh-TW": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr19": 0,
"newLotno": 0,
"lotnoLot": "A",
"id": 17,
"dDesc_haha1": "",
"lotnoNumAttr20": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr12": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr13": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr11": 0,
"i18nField": "{\"bDesc_en\": \"Ivan Testing Product\", \"dDesc_en\": \"<p>Ivan Testing Product(繁体)<br></p>\"}",
"sourceType": "defstkreg",
"costAmt": 0,
"iRev": 1,
"bDesc_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "ru",
"lot": "A",
"lotnoDateAttr3": 1475164800000,
"lotnoDateAttr4": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr1": 1474300800000,
"lotnoDateAttr2": 1475078400000,
"lotnoDateAttr7": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr8": -2209017600000,
"bDesc_ccn": "",
"lotnoDateAttr5": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr6": -2209017600000,
"unitId": 24,
"lotnoDateAttr9": -2209017600000,
"locId": 2,
"bDesc_en": "Ivan Testing Product",
"lotnoTextAttr1": "INC",
"lotnoTextAttr2": "TT",
"lotnoTextAttr3": "BB",
"lotnoTextAttr4": "",
"lotnoTextAttr5": "",
"lotnoTextAttr6": "",
"lotnoTextAttr7": "",
"lotnoTextAttr8": "",
"lotnoTextAttr9": "",
"bDesc_zh-CN": "",
"sourceId": 14,
"dualQty": 0.33,
"itemNo": " 1",
"beId": 11,
"bDesc": "Ivan Testing Product",
"hId": 14,
"lotnoNumAttr1": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr2": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr3": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr4": 0,
"lotnoExpDate": 1546185600000,
"dDesc": "<p>Ivan Testing Product(繁体)<br></p>",
"footerKey": " 1",
"qty": 1,
"lotnoNumAttr5": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr6": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr7": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr8": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr9": 0,
"lotNoId": 282,
"lotnoTextAttr16": "",
"dDesc_ctw": "",
"lotnoTextAttr15": "",
"lotnoTextAttr18": "",
"lotnoTextAttr17": "",
"lotnoTextAttr12": "",
"lotnoTextAttr11": "",
"lotnoDateAttr20": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr14": "",
"lotnoTextAttr13": "",
"dDesc_zh-CN": "",
"lotnoTextAttr19": "",
"bDesc_haha1": "",
"dDesc_zh-TW": "",
"dDesc_ccn": "",
"lotnoTextAttr10": "",
"dDesc_en": "<p>Ivan Testing Product(繁体)<br></p>",
"dualUnitId": 6,
"lotnoLookupAttr5": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr6": 0,
"sourceLot": "A",
"lotnoLookupAttr7": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr18": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr8": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr19": -2209017600000,
"lotno": "OS0160040-01INC20160930",
"lotnoLookupAttr9": 0,
"proId": 18,
"lotnoDateAttr12": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr13": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr10": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr11": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr20": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr1": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr16": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr2": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr17": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr3": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr14": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr4": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr15": -2209017600000
"mainru": [
"tDate": 1603296000000,
"lastModifyUid": 11,
"code": "ITRU002",
"cnDeptId": 29,
"useAccess": false,
"virDeptId": 0,
"expiredDate": -2209017600000,
"iRev": 1,
"sysJson": "",
"upOrigin": "PRO",
"viewCode": "ru",
"ce01Module": "ru",
"beId": 11,
"alocId": 7,
"expired": false,
"printCount": 0,
"useAccessBl": false,
"id": 14,
"doctypeId": 0,
"statusModifyDate": 1603334218000,
"locked": false,
"lastModifyDate": 1603334218000,
"createUid": 11,
"locId": 2,
"createDate": 1603334218000,
"rev": "1",
"lastApproveUid": 11,
"expiredUid": 0,
"useAccessWl": false,
"descOrigin": "PRO",
"flowTypeId": 15458,
"useAccessAutoCalc": false,
"staffId": 723,
"status": "Y"
"remru": [
"hId": 14,
"i18nField": "{\"remarks_en\": \"\"}",
"remarks_zh-CN": "",
"remarks_ccn": "",
"remarks_en": "",
"remarks_haha1": "",
"iRev": 1,
"id": 2,
"remarks_zh-TW": "",
"remarks": "",
"remarks_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "ru"
"messages": [],
"status": true
# Create Defect Stock Recover
# 一、Description
Usage: create or update 【Defect Stock Recover】
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/ru |
HTTP Method | PUT |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | ru |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/ru";
String param = "&menuCode=ru";
HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url + "?" + param);
put.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
put.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(put);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("recordId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Entity data as JSON format:
"mainru": {
"values": [
"beId": 11,
"code": "ITRU220328A",
"tDate": "2022-03-28",
"flowTypeId": 15458,
"staffId": 723
"rut": {
"values": [
"sourceType": "defstkreg",
"sourceId": 14,
"sourceLot": "A",
"proId": 26,
"unitId": 40,
"qty": 1,
"locId": 2,
"alocId": 7
4、Response Sample
"recordId": 15,
"messages": [],
"status": true
"recordId": 0,
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Required field is empty",
"msgCode": "core_101905"
"status": false
# Create Defect Stock Recover (Auto Completion)
# 一、Description
1. Usage: Create 【Defect Stock Recover】
2. This API has the following characteristics:
a. Support using code instead of id field
b. If field staff
has no value specified, the default staff in the User Options will be used automatically
c. If field document date
has no value specified, the value is obtained according to the date option in the [Preference Setup (Trade)]
d. If field business process
has no value specified, according to the default value set in [Business Process Setup (Trade)]
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/pi |
HTTP Method | POST |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/ru";
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
post.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
post.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(post);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("tranId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Sample data
"beCode": "IT",
"rut": [
"sourceType": "defstkreg",
"sourceCode": "ITDSR005",
"sourceLot": "A",
"locCode": "BAD",
"alocCode": "SZO",
"proCode": "ITPRO001",
"unitCode": "个",
"qty": 1
4、Response Sample
"tranId": 16,
"tranCode": "RU0220001",
"message": "",
"status": true
# Delete Defect Stock Recover
# 一、Description
Usage: Delete Defect Stock Recover
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/ru |
HTTP Method | DELETE |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | ru |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Defect Stock Recover ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/ru";
String param = "&menuCode=ru&id=" + id;
HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(url + "?" + param);
delete.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
delete.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(delete);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"messages": [],
"status": true
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Record has been deleted",
"msgCode": "core_101017"
"status": false
# Load EBI data:Defect Stock Recover Report
# 一、Description
Usage: Run EBI[Defect Stock Recover Report],return EBI data
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/ebiWidget/loadReport |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
formatId | long(Query) | Yes | Format ID fetched from another API |
beId | long(Query) | No | Business Entity ID,If not specified, query all authorized Business Entity data. |
offset | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
rows | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/ebiWidget/loadReport";
String param = "&formatId=" + formatId;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"size": 5,
"rows": [
"FTABLE_A_locId_code": "BAD",
"M18ReservedCol_dataIndex": 1,
"FTABLE_A_unitId_code": "0.3兩",
"MAIN_sourceId": "3",
"MAIN_sourceCode": "ITDSR002",
"FTABLE_A_qty": "0.20000000",
"MTABLE_A_tDate": "2018.01.12",
"PRO_A_id": "18",
"MAIN_sourceType": "defstkreg",
"MTABLE_A_code": "ITRU001",
"MTABLE_A_id": "1",
"FTABLE_A_alocId_code": "ACLL",
"FTABLE_A_alocId": "15",
"FTABLE_A_sourceType": "Defective Stock Register",
"FTABLE_A_locId": "2",
"PRO_A_code": "ITPRO001"
# Stock Take (w/o Lot No.)
# Fetch Stock Take (w/o Lot No.) List
# 一、Description
Usage: Fetch Stock Take (w/o Lot No.) List.
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/search/search |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
stSearch | String(Query) | Yes | st |
beId | long(Query) | Yes | Business Entity ID |
formatId | long(Query) | No | Lookup Query ID, If not specified, the default format is used. |
startRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
endRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
quickSearchStr | String(Query) | No | Quick search keyword |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/search/search";
String param = "&stSearch=st&beId=11";
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"stSearch": "st",
"size": 3,
"stSearchDisplay": "Stock Take (w/o Lot No.)",
"values": [
"code": "ITST20220101A",
"tDate": "2022-01-01",
"mainst.locId.loc.code": "SZO",
"mainst.locId.loc.desc": "深圳仓",
"mainst.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.code": "PHY",
"mainst.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.desc": "合格",
"iRev": 1,
"lastModifyDate": "2022-01-07 12:27:30",
"mainst.lastModifyUid.simpleUser.desc__lang": "Ivan Tan",
"id": 44,
"st_desc": "ITST20220101A",
"st_id": 44,
"st_code": "ITST20220101A"
# Load Stock Take (w/o Lot No.)
# 一、Description
Usage: Load 【Stock Take (w/o Lot No.)】Record
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/st |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | st |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Stock Take (w/o Lot No.) ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/st";
String param = "&menuCode=st&id=" + id;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"data": {
"mainst": [
"tDate": 1640966400000,
"lastModifyUid": 11,
"code": "ITST20220101A",
"cnDeptId": 29,
"useAccess": false,
"virDeptId": 0,
"expiredDate": -2209017600000,
"iRev": 1,
"sysJson": "",
"upOrigin": "GRN",
"viewCode": "st",
"ce01Module": "st",
"beId": 11,
"curId": 1,
"expired": false,
"rate": 1,
"printCount": 0,
"useAccessBl": false,
"id": 44,
"doctypeId": 0,
"statusModifyDate": 1641529650000,
"locked": false,
"lastModifyDate": 1641529650000,
"createUid": 11,
"locId": 7,
"createDate": 1641529650000,
"rev": "1",
"lastApproveUid": 11,
"expiredUid": 0,
"useAccessWl": false,
"descOrigin": "GRN",
"flowTypeId": 1397,
"useAccessAutoCalc": false,
"staffId": 723,
"status": "Y"
"stt": [
"sourceId": 0,
"dDesc_ctw": "",
"qtyPhy": 193,
"dualQty": -93,
"costAmt": 0,
"iRev": 1,
"stkUnitQty": -93,
"itemNo": " 1",
"dDesc_zh-CN": "",
"bDesc_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "st",
"beId": 11,
"lot": "A",
"stkUnitPhy": 193,
"bDesc_haha1": "",
"dDesc_zh-TW": "",
"bDesc": "auto assign",
"bDesc_ccn": "",
"bDesc_zh-TW": "",
"newLotno": 0,
"dualQtyCount": -93,
"unitId": 76,
"dDesc_ccn": "",
"id": 48,
"up": 0,
"genType": "K",
"qtyCountBasic": 100,
"locId": 7,
"dDesc_haha1": "",
"hId": 44,
"bDesc_en": "",
"unitCount": 76,
"dDesc_en": "",
"dualUnitId": 51,
"qtyCount": 100,
"sourceLot": "",
"dDesc": "",
"footerKey": " 1",
"i18nField": "{\"bDesc_zh-CN\": \"auto assign\", \"dDesc_zh-CN\": \"\"}",
"sourceType": "pro",
"proId": 62,
"qty": -93,
"dualPhy": 0,
"lotNoId": 0,
"bDesc_zh-CN": "auto assign"
"remst": [
"hId": 44,
"i18nField": "{\"remarks_zh-CN\": \"\"}",
"remarks_zh-CN": "",
"remarks_ccn": "",
"remarks_en": "",
"remarks_haha1": "",
"iRev": 1,
"id": 40,
"remarks_zh-TW": "",
"remarks": "",
"remarks_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "st"
"messages": [],
"status": true
# Create Stock Take (w/o Lot No.)
# 一、Description
Usage: create or update 【Stock Take (w/o Lot No.)】
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/st |
HTTP Method | PUT |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | st |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/st";
String param = "&menuCode=st";
HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url + "?" + param);
put.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
put.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(put);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("recordId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Entity data as JSON format:
"mainst": {
"values": [
"beId": 11,
"code": "ITST220324A",
"tDate": "2022-03-24",
"curId": 1,
"rate": 1,
"flowTypeId": 1397,
"staffId": 723
"stt": {
"values": [
"sourceType": "pro",
"locId": 7,
"proId": 26,
"unitId": 40,
"qty": 50,
"qtyPhy": 4900,
"qtyCountBasic": 4950,
"unitCount": 40,
"stkUnitQty": 50,
"stkUnitPhy": 4900,
"qtyCount": 4950
4、Response Sample
"recordId": 48,
"messages": [],
"status": true
"recordId": 0,
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Required field is empty",
"msgCode": "core_101905"
"status": false
# Create Stock Take (w/o Lot No.) (Auto Completion)
# 一、Description
1. Usage: Create 【Stock Take (w/o Lot No.)】
2. This API has the following characteristics:
a. Support using code instead of id field
b. If field currency
has no value specified, the Entity Currency will be used automatically
c. If field staff
has no value specified, the default staff in the User Options will be used automatically
d. If field document date
has no value specified, the value is obtained according to the date option in the [Preference Setup (Trade)]
e. If field business process
has no value specified, according to the default value set in [Business Process Setup (Trade)]
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/st |
HTTP Method | POST |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/st";
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
post.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
post.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(post);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("tranId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Sample data
"beCode": "IT",
"pot": [
"proCode": "ITPRO002",
"unitCode": "PCS",
"unitCount": 40,
"locCode": "SZO",
"qty": 50,
"qtyPhy": 4900,
"qtyCountBasic": 4950,
"stkUnitQty": 50,
"stkUnitPhy": 4900,
"qtyCount": 4950
4、Response Sample
"tranId": 51,
"tranCode": "ST0220008",
"message": "",
"status": true
# Delete Stock Take (w/o Lot No.)
# 一、Description
Usage: Delete Stock Take (w/o Lot No.)
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/st |
HTTP Method | DELETE |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | st |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Stock Take (w/o Lot No.) ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/st";
String param = "&menuCode=st&id=" + id;
HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(url + "?" + param);
delete.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
delete.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(delete);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"messages": [],
"status": true
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Record has been deleted",
"msgCode": "core_101017"
"status": false
# Load EBI data:Stock Take (w/o Lot No.) Report
# 一、Description
Usage: Run EBI[Stock Take (w/o Lot No.) Report],return EBI data
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/ebiWidget/loadReport |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
formatId | long(Query) | Yes | Format ID fetched from another API |
beId | long(Query) | No | Business Entity ID,If not specified, query all authorized Business Entity data. |
offset | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
rows | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/ebiWidget/loadReport";
String param = "&formatId=" + formatId;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"size": 5,
"rows": [
"MAIN_kCode": "ITK21121304",
"F_A_qtyCount": "2.00000000",
"M_A_code": "ITST21070001",
"M18ReservedCol_dataIndex": 1,
"F_A_qtyPhy": "9.00000000",
"MAIN_osCode": "",
"M_A_tDate": "2021.07.15",
"MAIN_sourceTypeMess": "Product / Material",
"PRO_A_id": "40",
"F_A_qty": "-7.00000000",
"MAIN_osId": "0",
"M_A_id": "41",
"F_A_unitId_code": "PCS",
"MAIN_kId": "174",
"PRO_A_code": "ITPRO003"
# Stock Take
# Fetch Stock Take List
# 一、Description
Usage: Fetch Stock Take List.
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/search/search |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
stSearch | String(Query) | Yes | stlot |
beId | long(Query) | Yes | Business Entity ID |
formatId | long(Query) | No | Lookup Query ID, If not specified, the default format is used. |
startRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
endRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
quickSearchStr | String(Query) | No | Quick search keyword |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/search/search";
String param = "&stSearch=stlot&beId=11";
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"stSearch": "stlot",
"size": 13,
"stSearchDisplay": "Stock Take",
"values": [
"code": "ITSTLOT008",
"tDate": "2022-01-01",
"mainstlot.locId.loc.code": "SZO",
"mainstlot.locId.loc.desc": "深圳仓",
"mainstlot.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.code": "PHY",
"mainstlot.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.desc": "合格",
"iRev": 1,
"lastModifyDate": "2022-01-07 12:22:44",
"mainstlot.lastModifyUid.simpleUser.desc__lang": "Ivan Tan",
"id": 114,
"st_desc": "ITSTLOT008",
"st_id": 114,
"st_code": "ITSTLOT008"
# Load Stock Take
# 一、Description
Usage: Load 【Stock Take】Record
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/stlot |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | stlot |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Stock Take ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/stlot";
String param = "&menuCode=stlot&id=" + id;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"data": {
"remstlot": [
"hId": 114,
"i18nField": "{\"remarks_zh-CN\": \"\"}",
"remarks_zh-CN": "",
"remarks_ccn": "",
"remarks_en": "",
"remarks_haha1": "",
"iRev": 1,
"id": 114,
"remarks_zh-TW": "",
"remarks": "",
"remarks_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "stlot"
"mainstlot": [
"tDate": 1640966400000,
"lastModifyUid": 11,
"code": "ITSTLOT008",
"cnDeptId": 29,
"useAccess": false,
"virDeptId": 0,
"expiredDate": -2209017600000,
"iRev": 1,
"sysJson": "",
"upOrigin": "GRN",
"viewCode": "stlot",
"ce01Module": "stlot",
"beId": 11,
"curId": 1,
"expired": false,
"rate": 1,
"printCount": 0,
"useAccessBl": false,
"id": 114,
"doctypeId": 0,
"statusModifyDate": 1641529364000,
"locked": false,
"lastModifyDate": 1641529364000,
"createUid": 11,
"locId": 7,
"createDate": 1641529364000,
"rev": "1",
"lastApproveUid": 11,
"expiredUid": 0,
"useAccessWl": false,
"descOrigin": "GRN",
"flowTypeId": 1397,
"useAccessAutoCalc": false,
"staffId": 723,
"status": "Y"
"stlott": [
"lotnoNumAttr17": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr16": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr15": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr14": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr19": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr20": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr13": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr12": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr11": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr16": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr17": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr14": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr15": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr19": 0,
"bDesc_zh-TW": "",
"newLotno": 0,
"dualQtyCount": -20,
"lotnoLot": "A",
"id": 180,
"dDesc_haha1": "",
"lotnoNumAttr20": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr12": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr13": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr11": 0,
"qtyScan": 0,
"i18nField": "{\"bDesc_zh-CN\": \"auto assign\", \"dDesc_zh-CN\": \"\"}",
"sourceType": "pro",
"costAmt": 0,
"iRev": 1,
"stkUnitQty": -20,
"bDesc_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "stlot",
"lot": "A",
"lotnoDateAttr3": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr4": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr1": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr2": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr7": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr8": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr5": -2209017600000,
"bDesc_ccn": "",
"lotnoDateAttr6": -2209017600000,
"unitId": 76,
"lotnoDateAttr9": -2209017600000,
"qtyCountBasic": 80,
"locId": 7,
"bDesc_en": "",
"lotnoTextAttr1": "",
"lotnoTextAttr2": "",
"lotnoTextAttr3": "",
"lotnoTextAttr4": "",
"lotnoTextAttr5": "",
"lotnoTextAttr6": "",
"lotnoTextAttr7": "",
"lotnoTextAttr8": "",
"lotnoTextAttr9": "",
"dualPhy": 0,
"bDesc_zh-CN": "auto assign",
"sourceId": 0,
"qtyPhy": 100,
"dualQty": -20,
"itemNo": " 1",
"beId": 11,
"stkUnitPhy": 100,
"bDesc": "auto assign",
"up": 0,
"genType": "K",
"hId": 114,
"lotnoNumAttr1": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr2": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr3": 0,
"unitCount": 76,
"lotnoNumAttr4": 0,
"lotnoExpDate": 253402271999000,
"dDesc": "",
"footerKey": " 1",
"qty": -20,
"lotnoNumAttr5": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr6": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr7": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr8": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr9": 0,
"lotNoId": 2281,
"lotnoTextAttr16": "",
"lotnoTextAttr15": "",
"dDesc_ctw": "",
"lotnoTextAttr18": "",
"lotnoTextAttr17": "",
"lotnoTextAttr12": "",
"lotnoTextAttr11": "",
"lotnoDateAttr20": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr14": "",
"lotnoTextAttr13": "",
"dDesc_zh-CN": "",
"lotnoTextAttr19": "",
"bDesc_haha1": "",
"dDesc_zh-TW": "",
"dDesc_ccn": "",
"lotnoTextAttr10": "",
"dDesc_en": "",
"dualUnitId": 51,
"qtyCount": 80,
"lotnoLookupAttr5": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr6": 0,
"sourceLot": "",
"lotnoDateAttr18": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr7": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr19": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr8": 0,
"lotno": "ITOS18110001",
"lotnoLookupAttr9": 0,
"proId": 62,
"lotnoDateAttr12": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr13": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr10": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr20": "",
"lotnoDateAttr11": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr16": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr1": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr17": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr2": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr14": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr3": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr15": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr4": 0
"messages": [],
"status": true
# Create Stock Take
# 一、Description
Usage: create or update 【Stock Take】
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/stlot |
HTTP Method | PUT |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | stlot |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/stlot";
String param = "&menuCode=stlot";
HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url + "?" + param);
put.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
put.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(put);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("recordId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Entity data as JSON format:
"mainstlot": {
"values": [
"beId": 11,
"code": "ITSTLOT220324A",
"tDate": "2022-03-24",
"curId": 1,
"rate": 1,
"flowTypeId": 1397,
"staffId": 723
"stlott": {
"values": [
"sourceType": "pro",
"locId": 7,
"proId": 26,
"lotNoId": 1087,
"unitId": 40,
"qty": -1,
"qtyPhy": 10,
"qtyCountBasic": 9,
"unitCount": 40,
"stkUnitQty": -1,
"stkUnitPhy": 10,
"qtyCount": 9
4、Response Sample
"recordId": 116,
"messages": [],
"status": true
"recordId": 0,
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Required field is empty",
"msgCode": "core_101905"
"status": false
# Create Stock Take (Auto Completion)
# 一、Description
1. Usage: Create 【Stock Take】
2. This API has the following characteristics:
a. Support using code instead of id field
b. If field currency
has no value specified, the Entity Currency will be used automatically
c. If field staff
has no value specified, the default staff in the User Options will be used automatically
d. If field document date
has no value specified, the value is obtained according to the date option in the [Preference Setup (Trade)]
e. If field business process
has no value specified, according to the default value set in [Business Process Setup (Trade)]
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/stlot |
HTTP Method | POST |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/stlot";
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
post.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
post.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(post);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("tranId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Sample data
"beCode": "IT",
"stlott": [
"proCode": "ITPRO002",
"unitCode": "PCS",
"unitCount": 40,
"locCode": "SZO",
"lotno": "ITAN17050002-0001",
"qty": -1,
"qtyPhy": 10,
"qtyCountBasic": 9,
"stkUnitQty": -1,
"stkUnitPhy": 10,
"qtyCount": 9
4、Response Sample
"tranId": 117,
"tranCode": "STL220016",
"message": "",
"status": true
# Delete Stock Take
# 一、Description
Usage: Delete Stock Take
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/stlot |
HTTP Method | DELETE |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | stlot |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Stock Take ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/stlot";
String param = "&menuCode=stlot&id=" + id;
HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(url + "?" + param);
delete.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
delete.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(delete);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"messages": [],
"status": true
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Record has been deleted",
"msgCode": "core_101017"
"status": false
# Load EBI data:Stock Take Report
# 一、Description
Usage: Run EBI[Stock Take Report],return EBI data
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/ebiWidget/loadReport |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
formatId | long(Query) | Yes | Format ID fetched from another API |
beId | long(Query) | No | Business Entity ID,If not specified, query all authorized Business Entity data. |
offset | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
rows | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/ebiWidget/loadReport";
String param = "&formatId=" + formatId;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"size": 23,
"rows": [
"F_A_qtyCount": "9.00000000",
"M_A_code": "STL220016",
"M18ReservedCol_dataIndex": 1,
"F_A_locId_code": "SZO",
"F_A_stkUnitPhy": "10.00000000",
"M_A_tDate": "2022.04.07",
"PRO_A_id": "26",
"LOTNO_A_lotno": "ITAN17050002-0001",
"M_A_id": "117",
"F_A_locId": "7",
"F_A_unitCount_code": "PCS",
"PRO_A_code": "ITPRO002",
"F_A_stkUnitQty": "-1.00000000"
# Product Assembly
# Fetch Product Assembly List
# 一、Description
Usage: Fetch Product Assembly List.
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/search/search |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
stSearch | String(Query) | Yes | asb |
beId | long(Query) | Yes | Business Entity ID |
formatId | long(Query) | No | Lookup Query ID, If not specified, the default format is used. |
startRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
endRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
quickSearchStr | String(Query) | No | Quick search keyword |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/search/search";
String param = "&stSearch=asb&beId=133";
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"stSearch": "asb",
"size": 2,
"stSearchDisplay": "Product Assembly",
"values": [
"code": "ASB20200023",
"tDate": "2020-06-16",
"mainasb.locId.loc.code": "961",
"mainasb.locId.loc.desc": "961之倉",
"mainasb.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.code": "loctype-reg961",
"mainasb.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.desc": "961型",
"iRev": 24,
"lastModifyDate": "2020-06-18 12:15:32",
"mainasb.lastModifyUid.simpleUser.desc__lang": "Milk",
"id": 96,
"st_desc": "ASB20200023",
"st_id": 96,
"st_code": "ASB20200023"
# Load Product Assembly
# 一、Description
Usage: Load 【Product Assembly】Record
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/asb |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | asb |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Product Assembly ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/asb";
String param = "&menuCode=asb&id=" + id;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"data": {
"asbbompt": [
"sourceId": 0,
"hId": 84,
"pproId": 7,
"iRev": 1,
"processDesc": "倒膜",
"itemNo": " 1",
"uc": 22,
"ce01Module": "asb",
"sourceLot": "",
"pc": 0,
"footerKey": " 1",
"hour": 0,
"pLot": "A",
"processId": 2,
"sourceType": "pro",
"ndFooterKey": " 1",
"id": 122,
"timeUnit": "hh",
"costUnitPer": "cu"
"asbbomt": [
"sourceId": 0,
"dDesc_ctw": "",
"dualQty": 0,
"pproId": 7,
"iRev": 1,
"itemNo": " 1",
"dDesc_zh-CN": "",
"qtyNeed": 1,
"uc": 0,
"bDesc_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "asb",
"lot": "A",
"bDesc_haha1": "",
"dDesc_zh-TW": "",
"fdFooterKey": " 1",
"processId": 2,
"bDesc": "准确成本法测试",
"bDesc_ccn": "",
"bDesc_zh-TW": "",
"newLotno": 0,
"rdFooterKey": "",
"unitId": 39616,
"refdest": "",
"dDesc_ccn": "",
"id": 205,
"matcatId": 0,
"locId": 1,
"dDesc_haha1": "",
"hId": 84,
"bDesc_en": "",
"matUc": 0,
"dDesc_en": "",
"dualUnitId": 4403,
"sourceLot": "",
"footerKey": " 1",
"dDesc": "",
"i18nField": "",
"pLot": "A",
"sourceType": "pro",
"proId": 4547,
"ndFooterKey": " 1",
"remarks": "",
"lotNoId": 0,
"bDesc_zh-CN": "准确成本法测试"
"asbtlot": [
"lotnoNumAttr17": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr16": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr15": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr14": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr19": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr20": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr13": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr12": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr11": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr16": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr17": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr14": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr15": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr19": 0,
"newLotno": 1,
"lotnoLot": "A",
"id": 105,
"lotnoNumAttr20": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr12": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr13": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr11": 0,
"iRev": 1,
"ce01Module": "asb",
"lotnoDateAttr3": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr4": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr1": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr2": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr7": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr8": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr5": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr6": -2209017600000,
"unitId": 39,
"lotnoDateAttr9": -2209017600000,
"locId": 1,
"lotnoTextAttr1": "",
"lotnoTextAttr2": "",
"lotnoTextAttr3": "",
"lotnoTextAttr4": "",
"lotnoTextAttr5": "",
"lotnoTextAttr6": "",
"lotnoTextAttr7": "",
"lotnoTextAttr8": "",
"lotnoTextAttr9": "",
"dualQty": 0,
"itemNo": "",
"hId": 84,
"lotnoNumAttr1": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr2": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr3": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr4": 0,
"lotnoExpDate": 253402271999000,
"footerKey": " 1",
"qty": 1,
"lotnoNumAttr5": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr6": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr7": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr8": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr9": 0,
"lotNoId": 3614,
"lotnoTextAttr16": "",
"lotnoTextAttr15": "",
"lotnoTextAttr18": "",
"lotnoTextAttr17": "",
"lotnoTextAttr12": "",
"lotnoTextAttr11": "",
"lotnoDateAttr20": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr14": "",
"lotnoTextAttr13": "",
"lotnoTextAttr19": "",
"lotnoTextAttr10": "",
"dualUnitId": 16,
"lotnoLookupAttr5": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr6": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr7": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr18": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr8": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr19": -2209017600000,
"lotno": "ASB20190010001",
"lotnoLookupAttr9": 0,
"proId": 7,
"lotnoDateAttr12": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr13": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr10": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr11": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr20": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr1": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr16": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr2": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr17": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr3": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr14": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr4": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr15": -2209017600000
"asbt": [
"sourceId": 0,
"dDesc_ctw": "",
"dualQty": 0,
"costAmt": 0,
"iRev": 1,
"itemNo": " 1",
"dDesc_zh-CN": "",
"uc": 0,
"bDesc_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "asb",
"beId": 133,
"lot": "A",
"bDesc_haha1": "",
"dDesc_zh-TW": "",
"bDesc": "Product Brief Description(Monthly)",
"bDesc_ccn": "",
"bDesc_zh-TW": "",
"newLotno": 0,
"unitId": 39,
"dDesc_ccn": "",
"id": 95,
"locId": 1,
"dDesc_haha1": "",
"hId": 84,
"bDesc_en": "Product Brief Description(Monthly)",
"matUc": 0,
"dDesc_en": "Product Detailed Description",
"dualUnitId": 16,
"sourceLot": "",
"pc": 0,
"dDesc": "Product Detailed Description",
"footerKey": " 1",
"i18nField": "{\"bDesc_en\": \"Product Brief Description(Monthly)\", \"dDesc_en\": \"Product Detailed Description\", \"bDesc_zh-CN\": \"Product Brief Description(Monthly)\"}",
"sourceType": "pro",
"proId": 7,
"qty": 1,
"cuspono": "",
"lotNoId": 0,
"bDesc_zh-CN": "Product Brief Description(Monthly)"
"asbbomtlot": [
"lotnoNumAttr17": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr16": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr15": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr14": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr19": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr20": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr13": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr12": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr11": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr16": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr17": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr14": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr15": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr18": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr19": 0,
"newLotno": 0,
"lotnoLot": "A",
"id": 276,
"lotnoNumAttr20": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr12": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr13": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr10": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr11": 0,
"iRev": 1,
"ce01Module": "asb",
"lotnoDateAttr3": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr4": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr1": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr2": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr7": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr8": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr5": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr6": -2209017600000,
"unitId": 39616,
"lotnoDateAttr9": -2209017600000,
"locId": 1,
"lotnoTextAttr1": "",
"lotnoTextAttr2": "",
"lotnoTextAttr3": "",
"lotnoTextAttr4": "",
"lotnoTextAttr5": "",
"lotnoTextAttr6": "",
"lotnoTextAttr7": "",
"lotnoTextAttr8": "",
"lotnoTextAttr9": "",
"dualQty": 0,
"itemNo": " 1",
"hId": 84,
"lotnoNumAttr1": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr2": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr3": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr4": 0,
"lotnoExpDate": 253402271999000,
"footerKey": " 1",
"qty": 1,
"lotnoNumAttr5": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr6": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr7": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr8": 0,
"lotnoNumAttr9": 0,
"lotNoId": 3612,
"lotnoTextAttr16": "",
"lotnoTextAttr15": "",
"lotnoTextAttr18": "",
"lotnoTextAttr17": "",
"lotnoTextAttr12": "",
"lotnoTextAttr11": "",
"lotnoDateAttr20": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr14": "",
"lotnoTextAttr13": "",
"lotnoTextAttr19": "",
"lotnoTextAttr10": "",
"dualUnitId": 4403,
"lotnoLookupAttr5": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr6": 0,
"lotnoLookupAttr7": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr18": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr8": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr19": -2209017600000,
"lotno": "OS0190073*0001",
"lotnoLookupAttr9": 0,
"proId": 4547,
"lotnoDateAttr12": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr13": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr10": -2209017600000,
"lotnoDateAttr11": -2209017600000,
"lotnoTextAttr20": "",
"lotnoLookupAttr1": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr16": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr2": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr17": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr3": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr14": -2209017600000,
"lotnoLookupAttr4": 0,
"lotnoDateAttr15": -2209017600000
"remasb": [
"hId": 84,
"i18nField": "{\"remarks_en\": \"\"}",
"remarks_zh-CN": "",
"remarks_ccn": "",
"remarks_en": "",
"remarks_haha1": "",
"iRev": 1,
"id": 82,
"remarks_zh-TW": "",
"remarks": "",
"remarks_ctw": "",
"ce01Module": "asb"
"mainasb": [
"sourceId": 0,
"tDate": 1556553600000,
"lastModifyUid": 20,
"code": "ASB20190011",
"useAccess": false,
"virDeptId": 1,
"expiredDate": -2209017600000,
"iRev": 1,
"sysJson": "{\"autoGenCode\":{\"snId\":534,\"sn\":\"11\"}}",
"upOrigin": "PRO",
"viewCode": "asb",
"ce01Module": "asb",
"beId": 133,
"curId": 2,
"expired": false,
"rate": 0.88,
"printCount": 0,
"useAccessBl": false,
"id": 84,
"doctypeId": 0,
"statusModifyDate": 1556612193000,
"locked": false,
"lastModifyDate": 1556612193000,
"createUid": 20,
"locId": 1,
"createDate": 1556612193000,
"rev": "1",
"lastApproveUid": 0,
"expiredUid": 0,
"mLocId": 1,
"useAccessWl": false,
"descOrigin": "PRO",
"sourceType": "bom",
"sourceModule": "",
"flowTypeId": 6694,
"useAccessAutoCalc": false,
"staffId": 21,
"status": "Y"
"messages": [],
"status": true
# Create Product Assembly
# 一、Description
Usage: create or update 【Product Assembly】
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/asb |
HTTP Method | PUT |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | asb |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/save/asb";
String param = "&menuCode=asb";
HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url + "?" + param);
put.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
put.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(put);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("recordId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Entity data as JSON format:
"mainasb": {
"values": [
"beId": 133,
"code": "ASB220328A",
"virDeptId": 1,
"curId": 1,
"rate": 1,
"flowTypeId": 6694,
"staffId": 723
"asbt": {
"values": [
"sourceType": "pro",
"proId": 7,
"unitId": 39,
"qty": 1,
"footerKey": " 1",
"locId": 1
"asbbompt": {
"values": [
"footerKey": " 1",
"pproId": 7,
"uc": 22,
"hour": 0,
"pLot": "A",
"processId": 2,
"sourceType": "pro",
"ndFooterKey": " 1",
"timeUnit": "hh",
"costUnitPer": "cu"
"asbbomt": {
"values": [
"pproId": 7,
"qtyNeed": 1,
"lot": "A",
"fdFooterKey": " 1",
"processId": 2,
"unitId": 39616,
"locId": 1,
"footerKey": " 1",
"pLot": "A",
"sourceType": "pro",
"proId": 4547,
"ndFooterKey": " 1"
"asbbomtlot": {
"values": [
"proId": 4547,
"newLotno": 0,
"lotNoId": 3612,
"locId": 1,
"footerKey": " 1",
"unitId": 39616,
"qty": 1
4、Response Sample
"recordId": 85,
"messages": [],
"status": true
"recordId": 0,
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Required field is empty",
"msgCode": "core_101905"
"status": false
# Create Product Assembly (Auto Completion)
# 一、Description
1. Usage: Create 【Product Assembly】
2. This API has the following characteristics:
a. Support using code instead of id field
b. If field currency
has no value specified, the Entity Currency will be used automatically
c. If field staff
has no value specified, the default staff in the User Options will be used automatically
d. If field document date
has no value specified, the value is obtained according to the date option in the [Preference Setup (Trade)]
e. If field business process
has no value specified, according to the default value set in [Business Process Setup (Trade)]
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/asb |
HTTP Method | POST |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/erp/bsFlow/save/asb";
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
post.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
post.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(data.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
res = client.execute(post);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
if (json != null) {
recordId = json.getLongValue("tranId");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Sample data
"beCode": "MX",
"asbt": [
"sourceType": "pro",
"proCode": "PRO002",
"unitCode": "PCS",
"qty": 1,
"footerKey": " 1",
"locCode": "PHY"
"asbbompt": [
"footerKey": " 1",
"pproCode": "PRO002",
"uc": 22,
"hour": 0,
"pLot": "A",
"processCode": "001",
"sourceType": "pro",
"ndFooterKey": " 1",
"timeUnit": "hh",
"costUnitPer": "cu"
"asbbomt": [
"pproCode": "PRO002",
"qtyNeed": 1,
"lot": "A",
"fdFooterKey": " 1",
"processCode": "001",
"unitCode": "PCS",
"locCode": "PHY",
"footerKey": " 1",
"pLot": "A",
"sourceType": "pro",
"proCode": "MXLOTNO",
"ndFooterKey": " 1"
"asbbomtlot": [
"proCode": "MXLOTNO",
"newLotno": 0,
"lotNoCode": "OS0190073*0001",
"locCode": "PHY",
"footerKey": " 1",
"unitCode": "PCS",
"qty": 1
4、Response Sample
"tranId": 86,
"tranCode": "ASB220006",
"message": "",
"status": true
# Delete Product Assembly
# 一、Description
Usage: Delete Product Assembly
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/asb |
HTTP Method | DELETE |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | asb |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Product Assembly ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/delete/asb";
String param = "&menuCode=asb&id=" + id;
HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(url + "?" + param);
delete.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
delete.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(delete);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"messages": [],
"status": true
"messages": [
"msgDetail": "Record has been deleted",
"msgCode": "core_101017"
"status": false
# Load EBI data:Product Assembly Material Consumption
# 一、Description
Usage: Run EBI[Product Assembly Material Consumption],return EBI data
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/ebiWidget/loadReport |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
formatId | long(Query) | Yes | Format ID fetched from another API |
beId | long(Query) | No | Business Entity ID,If not specified, query all authorized Business Entity data. |
offset | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
rows | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/ebiWidget/loadReport";
String param = "&formatId=" + formatId;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"size": 4,
"rows": [
"ASBBOMPT_A_pc": "50.00000000",
"ASB_A_id": "52",
"MAIN_matLotQty": "60.00000000",
"M18ReservedCol_dataIndex": 1,
"ASBBOMT_A_pproId": "4229",
"ASBT_A_locId_code": "ACLL",
"ASBT_A_locId": "15",
"ASBBOMPT_A_pproId_code": "PRO2018",
"ASBT_A_proId": "4229",
"ASBBOMPT_A_processId": "4",
"ASBBOMT_A_proId_code": "PRO201801",
"ASBT_A_proId_code": "PRO2018",
"ASBBOMT_A_qtyNeed": "100.00000000",
"ASBBOMPT_A_processId_code": "003",
"ASBBOMT_A_pproId_code": "PRO2018",
"ASBBOMPT_A_pproId": "4229",
"ASB_A_tDate": "2018.01.08",
"ASB_A_code": "ASB20180091",
"ASBBOMT_A_proId": "4227"
# Product Disassembly
# Fetch Product Disassembly List
# 一、Description
Usage: Fetch Product Disassembly List.
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/search/search |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
stSearch | String(Query) | Yes | dsb |
beId | long(Query) | Yes | Business Entity ID |
formatId | long(Query) | No | Lookup Query ID, If not specified, the default format is used. |
startRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : start index |
endRow | int(Query) | No | Resultset offset : end index |
quickSearchStr | String(Query) | No | Quick search keyword |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/search/search";
String param = "&stSearch=dsb&beId=142";
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"stSearch": "dsb",
"size": 3,
"stSearchDisplay": "Product Disassembly",
"values": [
"code": "DASB21090015",
"tDate": "2021-09-16",
"maindsb.locId.loc.code": "ACLL",
"maindsb.locId.loc.desc": "Asia Cool Logistics Ltd",
"maindsb.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.code": "PASS",
"maindsb.locId.loc.locTypeId.loctype.desc": "PASS",
"iRev": 5,
"lastModifyDate": "2021-10-25 17:02:53",
"maindsb.lastModifyUid.simpleUser.desc__lang": "Milk",
"id": 19,
"st_desc": "DASB21090015",
"st_id": 19,
"st_code": "DASB21090015"
# Load Product Disassembly
# 一、Description
Usage: Load 【Product Disassembly】Record
# 二、API Detail
1、Request URL
URL | http://[server]/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/dsb |
HTTP Method | GET |
Encode | UTF-8 |
2、URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Remarks |
authorization | String(Header) | Yes | Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | String(Header) | Yes | Client ID from [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
menuCode | String(Query) | Yes | dsb |
id | long(Query) | Yes | Product Disassembly ID |
param | String(Query) | No | Extra Pamameters: in JSON format |
3、Request Sample
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
CloseableHttpResponse res = null;
try {
String url = "http://" + HostIP + ":" + HostPort + "/jsf/rfws/root/api/read/dsb";
String param = "&menuCode=dsb&id=" + id;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url + "?" + param);
get.addHeader("authorization", access_token);
get.addHeader("client_id", ClientID);
res = client.execute(get);
if (res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (res != null) {
if (client != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
4、Response Sample
"data": {
"maindsb": [
"sourceId": 202,
"tDate": 1631721600000,
"lastModifyUid": 20,
"code": "DASB21090015",
"useAccess": false,
"virDeptId": 7,
"expiredDate": -2209017600000,
"iRev": 5,
"sysJson": "{\"autoGenCode\":{\"snId\":726,\"sn\":\"10\"}}",
"upOrigin": "SOLAST",
"viewCode": "sret",
"ce01Module": "dsb",
"beId": 142,
"curId": 2,
"expired": false,
"rate": 1,
"printCount": 0,
"useAccessBl": false,
"id": <