Schedule Management
Version: 1.2 | Release Date: 30/6/2023
# Get Event Type
Get schedule event type.
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("authorization", "Bearer OGFiZmU2ZTktMzYzMS00NjIwLWJhNGYtYWU2OGQyNTZhMmNi")
.addHeader("client_id", "C-SGF2aWQncyBhcHBsaWNhdGlvbjIwMTctMDItMTAxNjc=")
.addHeader("cache-control", "no-cache")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
# HTTP Request
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
authorization | string (Header) | Required. Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | string (Header) | Required. When registered in [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
# Result
Type | Location(error_id) | Description |
success | Body | A JSON object |
{"code":"abc","desc":"Debug Type"},
{"code":"notice","desc":"Notice Event"}
A List of Array containing all event Types
Field | Data Type | Remarks |
code | String | Event Type code |
desc | String | Event Type description |
# Get Schedule
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.url(" 00:00:00&eDatetime=2017-12-31 23:59:59")
.addHeader("authorization", "Bearer OGFiZmU2ZTktMzYzMS00NjIwLWJhNGYtYWU2OGQyNTZhMmNi")
.addHeader("client_id", "C-SGF2aWQncyBhcHBsaWNhdGlvbjIwMTctMDItMTAxNjc=")
.addHeader("cache-control", "no-cache")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
# HTTP Request
GET[start time]&eDatetime=[end time]
# Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
authorization | string (Header) | Required. Access Token obtained via Oauth2 |
client_id | string (Header) | Required. When registered in [OAuth Applications], generated by the aiM18 |
sDatetime | string (Query) | Date String in yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss in UTC timezone. DateFrom of the incoming query performed. |
eDatetime | string (Query) | Date String in yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss i n UTC timezone. DateTo of the incoming query performed. |
eventTypeCode | string (Query) | If empty, all event type will be loaded. Otherwise, only event with event type code containing the input words will be loaded |
eventDesc | string (Query) | If not empty, only event with description containing the input words will be loaded |
hexColor | boolean (Query) | If true, convert color to hexadecimal form. Forexample, rgb(247,11,11) -> #f70b0b. Alpha value is prepended to first two digits (a RGB format). For example, rgb(247,11,11,0.5) - > #80f70b0b |
uId | long (Query) | If missing/ 0, the query does not apply uId filter. If uId > 0, result will only include events with attendee = uId. |
# Result
Type | Location(error_id) | Description |
success | Body | A json object |
Output with uId = 0
"startDateUTC":"2017-07-14 04:00:00",
"startDateUTC":"2017-07-15 04:00:00",
Output with uId = 45
"startDateUTC":"2017-07-15 04:00:00",
A List of Array containing schedule
Field | Data Type | Remarks |
schEventTypeCode | String | Event Type Code |
code | String | Event Code |
allDayEvent | Boolean | Is/ is not all Day Event |
jsonData | String | Extra data for 3PD extension |
color | String | Color of event |
attendees | JSON Array | Containing JSON Object with attendees’ name and UID |
startDateUTC | Date string | Event start date time in UTC (Exact) |
sdTimeZone | String | Start date time timezone |
endDateUTC | Date String | Event End Date time in UTC(Exact) |
edTimeZone | String | End Date time timezone |
desc | String | Event description |
Last Updated: 2025/03/25, 03:42:04