Error Code Description
Version: 1.0 | Release Date: 13/8/2024
# Error Code Description
Error Code | Description |
101011 | Save Failed |
101019 | Restricted (Not Allowed to Update) |
101013 | Delete Failed |
101015 | This record is deleted or not accessible. |
101017 | The record was deleted |
101201 | File not found |
101903 | Same Code found |
101929 | Duplicate <Code> is found in another Business Entity. Please revise or go to [Code Format Setup] to enable <Allow Duplicate Code Between BEs>. |
101925 | Record cannot be saved due to code/ document no. cannot be generated |
101905 | Required field is empty |
101927 | Empty Data |
101917 | Please specify the file type(s) supported. |
101923 | The record has already been changed by another user, please refresh again! |
101907 | Expiry Date is earlier than Effective Date |
101909 | Primary header should be unique |
101911 | Data Duplicated! |
101913 | The table is empty. |
101915 | Not allowed to delete admin user |
101918 | Role in some business entity is empty. |
101919 | Data is updated, please reload the latest version. |
101920 | Save is failed as it was saved by %1 on %2. Please reload. |
101921 | Over the max length of the field |
101931 | IP Address Error |
101933 | IP Address Range Error |
101935 | Messcode must begin with Latin characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z). Only Latin characters, space and some symbol like underscore (_), hyphen (-) and dot (.) are allowed in messcode. |
101937 | Footer key is duplicated. |
101939 | Ip address table is empty |
101940 | Password generation prefix and suffix cannot be blank |
101942 | SMTP Email Server is inactive. |
101943 | SMTP Email Server is stop using. |
101950 | Image cannot be processed |
102001 | Invalid User ID / Password. |
102003 | The employee has resigned. |
102005 | This user is not allowed to login. |
102007 | This account is locked |
102009 | System Login Failed as your login ID is inactive. |
102010 | System Login Failed as your login ID is linked with an inactive Employee. |
102011 | Over User Limit |
102012 | This user is unapproved |
102013 | Please enter User Code |
102014 | Current user not allow this login type |
102101 | Incorrect Password |
102111 | Over User Limit |
102112 | User is already logined. |
102201 | Mandatory Locked |
102203 | Current account is locked |
102204 | You have already input incorrect password for 1% times, if you continue to input incorrectly for 2% times, your account will be locked |
102203 | Current IP login is blocked |
102205 | This user cannot access mobile app. |
102207 | NnlKey has expired. |
102208 | SAML Login cannot find user |
102209 | Your aiM18 contract has ended on bomb ! |
102219 | CAW-LRS connection failure(Development Copy) |
102222 | Server Unregistered, Please contact Admin User |
102224 | App unpurchased |
102900 | Please input your MFA Code |
102901 | MFA is not setup. Please access aiM18 webpage to register. |
102225 | MFA Code is incorrect |
102226 | Not allow login through domain server |
101 | Server throw an exception |
103 | Null Data Exception |
105 | Exception Error (SQL) |
106 | Number of tables selected exceeds the database restriction. |
107 | Number of fields selected exceeds the database restriction. |
201 | Current record is already used, it cannot be deleted. |
109 | Database Connection Failed! |
100022 | Invalid Access Token |
100023 | Access token is expired |
100024 | The access token does not match the client id. |
100025 | You have no right to access the scope of web service |
100026 | The API is not authorized to access, please go to [#oauth.oauthList#] - [#oauth.apiOtherControl#] to configure |
131 | Your API calls have exceeded your minutely request limit. |
132 | Your API calls have exceeded your hourly request limit. |
120007 | Over Named User Limit |
120009 | Cannot modify category. |
120011 | Cannot change admin user |
130001 | Null Data Exception |
130003 | Lack Data |
140001 | module can't do create |
140003 | module can't do load |
140005 | module can't do delete |
140009 | module can't do save |
141001 | Data deleted |
141011 | You do not have the access right of the record. |
141013 | Over Max Version |
141015 | You do not have the save right of the record. |
141017 | You do not have the delete right of the record. |
141018 | Unable to open the document as no permission is granted or the document is deleted. |
141019 | No data is found, it may be deleted or not authorized for you to access |
141020 | Share module cannot use data of separated module |
142001 | Code cannot be generated as the rule is empty |
142002 | Code cannot be generated as no suitable rule is found. |
142003 | Code cannot be generated as empty string is returned by the rule |
142004 | Code cannot be generated as serial no. is inactive. |
142005 | Code cannot be generated as serial no. is over the limit. |
142007 | Over Max Code Length |
142006 | Serial No. on that date found |
144001 | Please include at least one active language. |
144003 | Please choose a default language |
145001 | Template code is duplicated |
145002 | This template is used in Template Setup. |
145003 | Corresponding record is not found based on current id |
145005 | Password strength is insufficient |
145007 | Old Password is wrong |
145009 | Resignation Date is earlier than Join Date |
145011 | No Active Rule |
145013 | Password length cannot overflow 40 |
145015 | No data is selected |
145017 | Email format is invalid |
143001 | The excel cannot be converted to workbook |
143002 | Module is empty |
143003 | All data has been imported |
143004 | Data already exists |
143005 | Wrong header code |
143006 | Wrong number format |
143007 | Date Format must be %s or you're required to assign the field as Date Format in Excel file. |
143008 | Invalid Combo Value |
143009 | Invalid Data Found |
143010 | Lack the necessary sheet |
143011 | Lack Field Row |
143012 | Part of required fields not found |
143013 | Header fields of the footer table are not found |
143014 | Change workbook to file error |
143015 | Exported data is empty |
143016 | Imported data is empty |
143017 | Data of field mapping is empty. |
143018 | One table can only be mapped to one sheet. |
143019 | Total no. of rows in the excel file is over the limit set in [Global Setup] , it cannot be imported. Please check or change the setting in [Global Setup]. |
143021 | Multiple rows of data cannot be entered |
143023 | Wrong time format |
143025 | Record is already found, but you do not have the access right. |
143027 | Must mapping main table. |
143029 | Sheet Code Field is not yet mapped in Step 3 |
143031 | The maximum length of excel cell contents is 32700.(The field value length of record %a% has already overflow) |
143032 | Skip data check for the re-imported records marked with 'Import Completed'. |
143033 | Not in the right date range. |
143035 | Record is locked. |
143037 | The file must be in .zip format. |
143039 | Share Path cannot find the file. |
143041 | Image/attachment is not found in the zip file. |
143043 | File type of part of image / attachment in some records are not allowed |
143045 | File "{name}" ({size}) exceeds maximum allowed upload size of {maxSize}. |
143047 | Excel file is too large, the system runs out of memory space |
143049 | Cannot get any file in the zip file. Please check the zip file. |
143050 | Business Entity cannot be empty. |
143051 | No data is found. Possible reason may be the primary field (code) not found or empty. |
146001 | Please upload JRXML file |
146002 | Only ONE main file can be set |
146003 | Please set a file as main file |
146004 | Compile to jasper file error |
146005 | Same File name found |
146007 | Current record is used by Print Options. |
146009 | Non-approved document is found, this function is prohibited as <Print Non-Approved> is not allowed. Please unselect those non-approved documents before running this function. |
146011 | Over max. printing times. |
146013 | No Record Found |
146015 | Cannot delete system format. |
146017 | Cannot modify system format. |
149001 | Table should begin with 'udf', and only with small letters/numbers. |
149003 | Field should begin with 'udf', and only with letters/numbers. |
149005 | Keyword of the system cannot be used in the table name |
149007 | Keyword of the system cannot be used in the field name. |
149009 | Module should begin with 'ude', and only with small letters/numbers. |
149011 | Key word has bean used. |
149012 | Cannot add lookup field from child module |
149101 | Name must begin with capital letters. Only capital letters/numbers are allowed. |
149103 | Minimum Name Length is 2 |
149102 | Keyword of the system cannot be used. |
149013 | Invalid Formula |
149015 | Variable code started with the text below is not allowed |
149017 | Space or '@' is not allowed in variable code |
149019 | Field is duplicated |
149021 | Table Name is duplicated |
149023 | This table is referenced by %A%. |
149025 | Over the maximum row size for the used table type |
149027 | Over the max udf field number of this table (Mysql Table Column Limits) |
149028 | Over the maximum of indexes. |
149029 | Please enter app |
149031 | Field is duplicated with footer table name. |
149033 | Table name is duplicated with a field in header. |
149035 | Database structure synchronization failed, please contact the administrator |
152011 | At least one Control Mode should be enabled |
155013 | No Active Settings |
155015 | Synchronize Failed. View Log for Details. |
160001 | Employee ID cannot be empty when User Type is employee. |
160013 | Self Reporting Line is not allowed |
160005 | Table Format is empty |
160007 | Duplicated Name is found, record cannot be saved |
160008 | Only one sorting key is available |
160101 | This department has been defined as the parent department. |
160103 | Some parent departments do not exist. |
160105 | A loop in the department level found |
160201 | This virtual organization has been set as the parent virtual organization. |
160203 | Part of parent virtual organizations not found |
160205 | A loop in the virtual organization level found |
160301 | Event Type Conflict |
160302 | Attendee is empty. |
16303 | Access list cannot be empty if data guard is enabled. |
160305 | Same users found in both allowlist and blocklist |
160307 | Same roles found in both allowlist and blocklist |
160501 | These fields have been used by other group |
160503 | Field Group being used cannot be inactivated |
160601 | The length of Table Name must less than 30. Table must start with lowercase letters and only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed. |
160603 | Read file failed. |
160605 | Please upload a file |
160607 | Please enter the correct path |
160609 | Table name is duplicate |
160611 | Table already found in database |
160613 | Data synchronization is running in this record |
160614 | Cannot get correct Field Name. |
160615 | Cannot get correct Field Type. |
160616 | Field Type is not correct. |
160617 | The length of Field Name must less than 30. Field name must start with letters and only letters and numbers are allowed. |
160618 | No table is found. |
160619 | No field is found. |
160701 | Team Project must be input in build-in EBI |
160702 | Built-in record cannot be modified |
160703 | Code must begin with 'ebi' or 'qebi' and consist of the numbers, letters or '_'. |
160704 | Built-in record cannot be deleted. |
160705 | Send mail failed because you do not have the right to view censored / hidden fields |
160706 | No record found. |
160707 | EBI Email & Alert Sender is expired |
160708 | EBI Email Setup is expired |
160709 | Email has not been delivered. Please check email address setup to ensure that we can get the correct email address. |
160710 | Generate file failed. |
160711 | Invalid extension for file "%1". |
160712 | You are not allowed to export PDF. |
160713 | You are not allowed to export Excel. |
160801 | Published announcement cannot be deleted |
160802 | Expired announcement cannot be published |
160803 | Non-approved announcement cannot be published |
160804 | This announcement cannot be published manually |
160805 | Business entity is empty. |
160806 | Published Announcement cannot be modified |
160807 | Announcement has already published |
160808 | Specific date must be after today and before expiry date. |
160809 | Announcement has not announced. |
160810 | Announcement is expired. |
160811 | Cannot exist empty role and the other roles at the same time in the same business entity |
160812 | Receiver is empty. |
160813 | Expiry Date must after today |
160902 | Same domain user found |
160901 | Default domain server exists |
161001 | Cannot find the mail server setup. |
161003 | Current record is already used in [Audit Trail], it cannot be deleted. |
161005 | Module not found |
161007 | This module does not support attachment function. |
161009 | Backup is running. |
161010 | After the last backup was completed, it takes an hour before starting the backup. |
161011 | USU service is not enabled. |
162001 | User not found |
162002 | User didn't set email |
162003 | Over limit times(100 times in an hour) |
162004 | This user is not allowed to change password. |
163001 | Cannot find the query set based on the code |
163002 | Cannot find the combined set based on the code |
163003 | Some data wrong in the detail, please check. |
163004 | Cannot find the corresponding records according to the code value of lookup field |
163005 | No corresponding role can be found by code. |
163006 | Condition use a empty field string. |
163007 | Cannot find the field name (%fieldStr%) which used in the condition. |
163008 | Cannot find the corresponding records according to the code value of lookup field which used in condition. |
163009 | %table% table not found in %module% module. |
163010 | Table not found |
163011 | %field% field not found in %table% table |
163012 | EBI not found |
163013 | EBI field not found |
163014 | Ebi format not found. |
163015 | ID Code of the language are not same. |
163016 | ID Code of the language is duplicated. |
163017 | Cannot create a build-In query |
163018 | Cannot create a build-In query set |
163019 | Cannot create a build-In EBI |
163020 | Print Options not found |
163021 | Since you do not have some rights that the role "%1" possess , you cannot edit nor open "%1" right. |
163022 | Since you do not have some rights that the role "%1" possess , you cannot copy from "%1" right. |
163023 | Since you do not have some rights that the role "%1" possess , you cannot set up user for "%1". |
163024 | Since you do not have some rights that the role "%1" possess , you cannot export. |
163030 | Code must begin with letters. Only letters/numbers are allowed. |
163031 | Invalid Formula |
170002 | Lookup + Menu Item cannot be duplicated |
170003 | Insufficient disk space. |
180001 | Import Failed |
180002 | Admin user cannot be inactive |
180003 | Over max no. of pages of generated PDF |
180004 | Cannot fit all columns in one page because of too many columns. |
180005 | Couldn't connect to mail exchange server. |
180008 | QEBI is not found. |
180009 | QEBI is expired. |
180010 | There is a running task. |
180011 | Code is allowed only with letters and numbers. |
180012 | Wrong color format |
180013 | No group by fields |
180014 | No summarized fields |
180015 | You are not authorized to view this EBI. |
180016 | No attachment is printed. |
190001 | Please setup one approval rule at least. |
190002 | "MAIN" cannot be an alias. |
190003 | Alias cannot be duplicated. |
190004 | Join fields cannot be empty. |
190005 | Extended Lookup cannot exceed 7 rows. |
190006 | <Lookup> and <Main Query Field> cannot be duplicated. |
190007 | Cannot exceed 7 lookup fields. |
190008 | QEBI Setup is not found. |
190009 | QEBI Setup is expired. |
200001 | My Theme is not set. |
200002 | Global Theme is not set. |
200022 | Invalid Value |
200023 | The EBI format has been used for Unattended Robot and cannot be modified. |
200024 | System data is missing, please make sure the CGE related EBI is installed. |
200025 | The EBI format does not contain any Lookup field, so there is no need to create an additional EBI, please use the basic task EBI. |
200026 | The number of robots exceeds the licensed number and no more can be added. |
200027 | EBI generated by Unattended Robot can not be deleted. |
200028 | The current QR code is invalid, please scan again. |
Last Updated: 2025/03/25, 03:42:04